well...got to the knc forums
www.kncminer.com look there..they still are claiming folk get 300mh on their miners....they still neglect to
mention most of these people can only mine litecoin....freq reboots (babysit miner) usually only 2 of the 4 cubes work (they say RMA but
also say do to swamped can't tell you when you will get your cube(s) back) and generally all problems are due to multi-pools not them
its a farce..the Titans are broke and they have NFI of wtf is wrong yet
they made 200 million by some estimates this last year in USD .so...they can drag this out in court for a long long time
the money is basically 'lost' imho....being a legal miner in usa (due to bank error had to prove i was a legit biz took one day to fix but still stuck as had to file)
I can take 25% off equip and so far last year and this year (likely) will not have to pay taxes (last year coulda paid 4K but with equip did not pay any)
so only option i can see ..some of you may just want to check with a CPA and see if you are equip heavy this MAY be an option (drastic I know but all
I have from my situation is out of my 17.5k of equipment from 2013 onward I can write off $4375.00 usd applied to taxes due over next 5 years (under
quidelines bitcoin miners are Computers 5 yr depreciation)...it an't much but last year did not have to pay 4K and this year likely won't pay anything in
of any note for mining either (jupiter and whenever I get the Titan) ..so my situation sucks..but at least I MAY not get completely screwed by the Titan
now if they could just get the damn thing to work with fast block coins/ multi-pool and miracle of miracles scrypt N I just MAY get 1/2 my purchase
price back on the Titan after all this with the above equip depreciation....an't much but better then the 1/4 of purchase price if not in my unigue legal
miner situation....anyway my advice talk to a CPA...look at your options.....(hell if i want I could even sell my coins mined last year at 1200 usd at a
loss as well...not gonna do that but for those richer then myself my be another option as a legal miner in usa)
all I got....but essentially just gonna have to eat this is what it is looking like ..even after I jump in the pool with all the class action and the rest
wtf got a BFL refund..that was a miracle....but hard to beat myself up on this on an order from last march 27th when KNC was golden ...till since
then with KNC's decision from frankenjupiter on..just to not give a f*ck and screw over consumers....hard to protect one self from that kinda 180 degree
turn around to the dark side treachery
live an learn I guess