the sp30 price was $4495.00 incl shipping that ships in august
And RoadStress is trying to get $5K for September delivery ? What a tosser ...
August had 2 batches....spondoolies was imho trying to grab market share
thus the 4495 group buy offer with free shipping other discounts again get
market share (which i think they did ) new kid on the block and all trying to show 'chops'
the 5K for september is the batch 1 offer...not sure of price on batch 2 for september offer
spondoolies is in house they farm stuff out 'continuously' as they can as they go...thus the above batch arrangement
which seems to get the stuff out in the timeline they mention (so far) with little trouble
but as in my previous post
at 575 coin...just buy coin....elec and a/c etc at least for me at 15c kwh even at a low 40 diff increase a month in my case anyway
buying bitcoin right now vs equipment is dead even from my guesses/calcs
(hey again no slam we are all guessing here)
but timeline/vs $$$ invested in the equip is the issue...KNC at this time is over priced imho that may 'salvage' the
Neptune to at least a break even situation...they need to get everyone's their equip in hand by July 15th (same 2 week rush
out like original 28mm equip last oct 2013)...with that done again imho it is a wash..neptune has advantage and sorta ok with the
somewhat 'dated' 3rd batch 3th offer all would be good imho or as good as buying equip can be at this time vs buying
coin with the past refund at 450 a couple months back heh..but we are talking equip they would salvage much imho
if people don't get equip (or equiv plan b hashing) till say middle of august well ouch...they took a 'credibility" hit big time esp
for repeat customers imho
anyway my view i know squat..i have a Titan (no refund) coming ..the above is my warped view
er as an added point if time is the key can within 48 hours have from ship a 1 TH unit at $2261 USd so for $6783 usd that is like getting your Neptune in 1 this link right now BEATS EVERYBODY imho change quick
edit: last point/link also had cost incorrect see above 6783 usd for 3th