the sp30 price was $4495.00 incl shipping that ships in august
And RoadStress is trying to get $5K for September delivery ? What a tosser ...
but you get the equiv of a Neptune in 1 week
What do you mean the equiv of a Neptune?
Are the Neptune's shipping? Do we really know what the official hash rate of the batch 1 & 2's will be? NO!
So how can you even say that? Use some common sense and stop talking BS! Geez! lol
if you are gonna quote me quote me (see bottom of post)
for $6783.00 usd NOW you can get from the link below SHIPPING IN 48 HRS ... 3TH which means you would get these units
within the week
so...... as far as I know a Neptune min hash rate is 3TH .......first batch was $10,131.80 with shipping (I know I refunded one)
so do the frigging math!
you beat up spondoolies sp 30's for not shipping till Sept for 5k...I show you a way you can get 3TH in a week (no pre-order they ship in 48hrs stock in hand for 67% the price of a Neptune that has not shipped if Neptune shows up at 4TH could get an extra 1Th unit for $9050 at 89% of the Neptune 3TH (they state as the floor TH wise on KNC's units) ..
er so I don't see the point want stuff fast 4TH at 89% of what a Neptune 1st batch customer appreciation price (still not shipping) in 1 week...hey...that is the way to go equip wise
but again still better off just buying the coin
and by the by if you have trouble with the above math or equip or whatever that is IN HAND then you are just on here to try to stop folks from buying asic equip from other places shipping cause your panties are in a bunch due to Neptune profits are slipping away...tossing about FUD hoping in desperation something sticks
but again ...I got a Titan so what do I know...but 4TH now from 48hrs shipped for $9050 have not done the calc's but even if the 4 units use more elec the $1081.80 savings over waiting around for your Neptune *you do now that you CAN refund on them right?*....would more then cover such (at least in my neck of the woods) till End of Life on the units
so anyway you still should just refund an buy coins'd be better off ...if not the above get 4TH now...if not I respect your 'gamble' of maybe? KNC delivering more hash in 3rd batch (sept/oct) the other 3TH ..but with equip dump summer/fall I'm thinking that pig won't fly...
to each his own
info below from my orig post that you did not bother to quote
the sp30 price was $4495.00 incl shipping that ships in august
And RoadStress is trying to get $5K for September delivery ? What a tosser ...
er had this tag'd to another post but man people reply fast here
if you want equip now this is the best deal (me i'd still just get coin)
but you get the equiv of a Neptune in 1 week
anyway try to get this here before someone else replies and posts past me lol
see below
er as an added point if time is the key can within 48 hours have from ship a 1 TH unit at $2261 USd so for $6783 usd that is like getting your Neptune in 1 this link right now BEATS EVERYBODY imho change quick
edit: last point/link 2