a few reboots/restarts/curse words later and it usually gets back down the shaft
but its happening more often and requiring more effing about to get it back hashing.
in fairness it could do with a scrub - but that can wait.
how about them refunds?
Maybe their hardware is really not as good as everyone said it was. Their products are only around 8 months old.
well mine has been great...running oc'd to the sky and most i've notice was dark spots underneath so i put some heatsinks down there and hopefully they will last just bought another oct jup...thou it does whine at high oc still a trooper...and also a nov jup that is oc'd almost all the way to pad's max mhz cept for 1 mod...think the vrm isn't liking it...i guess it is all luck about what unit ya got no asic company is perfect and remember they didn't have time to stress test these things...but still doesn't make up for the past dealings they have done to their customers...one true statement is all asic companies are greedy fucks n will never care about their customers and if they say they do they are lieing to get you to buy more asics
Do you have any pics of how you have done it with the heatsinks?
buy something like http://www.ebay.com/itm/151291978376?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
they have sticky tape on them..just put them on the bottom where the vrms are...idk if they'll fit back into the case that way cause i don't use a case anymore...dropped my temps just taking them out lol