I also hope they don't switch Plan B off for a week after they ship your Neppy, as it takes about a week to receive a unit what with shipping time plus customs delays.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade but I thought Sam said it's either or, Plan B or wait, did he change it?
https://www.kncminer.com/news/news-75Plan B
As you are all aware we broke many world records in releasing the 28nm chip in such a short amount of time. We are a very ambitious company but even for us, to go “all in” and not be able to deliver on our performance targets, like our competition, would be completely unacceptable to us as a company and everything we stand for. So today we are introducing, Plan B.
To make sure that everyone who has paid for their Neptune gets their hashing power we are building a data centre like no other. It is located in the north of Sweden not far from Facebook and other Mega Data Centres and it’s totally powered by renewable energy.
Over the next few months we are bringing online enough hashing power to make sure that any delay in the Neptune timeline will be compensated with a completely free hosted hashing packages to all fully paid customers.
In the addition to this commitment, as part of Plan B, for all Neptune customers, we will be offering a free conversion to a hosted hashing package where we will simply fill your wallets directly and you won’t have to worry about anything else. All the other costs taken care of by us. We are able to do this by using our 28nm chips which is why all products that we have coming out of our factory in the next few months will go into building and supplying the Plan B facility.
If, during the course of development of Neptune, there is any threat to the timelines for delivery, those delays will not result in the loss of any mining time for our Neptune customers. We will release more details of this as we get closer to the delivery date, but for now we have one of the world’s largest data centres to build.
I read "
any delay in the Neptune timeline will be compensated with a completely free hosted hashing packages to all fully paid customers" as meaning that Plan B will kick in at the point when your Neptune should have shipped and will continue until it is shipped.
Then separately, if you want to convert your Neptune to a hosted plan, you can.
I think it would be good if KnCMiner could clarify these questions and release more details of how Plan B will work. June is not far away!