Also, providing the plan B hashpower only in June, the last possible month of their production promise, this shows that they never intended to come anywhere close to Q1 when announcing shipment in Q1/Q2.
While this isn´t legally misleading, it was at least psychologically.
They've done nothing but mislead people and believe that it's solid business practice.
Every thing they write is written with an underlying message.
For example, they said the window to switch to the Frankenjups was 7 days, they had them in stock and would ship them immediately. Which would have been shipping Wednesday/Thursday this week, if they had them in stock. So that was more lies.
They later let it slip that "Production is currently ongoing", confirming my hunch from a few days ago that they never built 400 Frankenjups "on spec", the probably just had a working prototype and then put the newsletter out filled with lies, ready to exploit people with inferior technology. 18 Jupiter boards at roughly $200 per boards = you paid $10k (or $12k) for $3.6k of boards rammed into a units with a 90 day warranty, what you usually get with reconditioned/refurbished/used goods. KNC must be rubbing their hands with glee at this robbery their customers have willingly agreed to.
So it's farily easy to conclude they didn't have any Frankenjups "in stock" - it was pure lies. As soon as the 8th April newsletter when out and they started to get interest, they probably started to build these freak machines from the 9th onwards. They probably assume they are genius JIT manufacturers. But they are in fact a corrupt business, built on a model of lying and exploitation of customers and customers money.
When they are interviewed, they seem to think they are morally sound and they are doing something to be proud of. They are supporting the local Boden community, sponsoring the ladies handboll team with fees from the kncwallet app. If only people knew the money is coming from dirty business practices, lies and putting completely fabricated and misleading information out there (e.g. announcing they were "getting closer to the launch date of Neptune" back in February, when now saying they are hoping to start shipping in June - how is February "close" to June, except in the mind of someone trying to mislead), I dont think they'd be so proud of this "great" Swedish start-up.
When are coindesk and other bitcoin news websites going to stop being toothless whores for these manufacturers and start writing the truth about what they do? I've yet to see the coindesk article where they report on how KNC lied and betrayed their customer based and went well and truly beyond the "not mining more than 5% of the hashrate they sold" (they must be close to almost 100% of that by now with the datorhall) and are basically a corrupt bunch of asshole looting the bitcoin community and should be treated like a whore who is scratching herself way too much - everyone walk away and stay away. Lest you give them more power to thrive on their lies and exploit everyone.
P.S. I am available for children's parties
Avenger i must give you credit when and where you deserve it. Even if you were obviously over exaggerating things in the past and you were bad intended towards KnC from the start when things weren't so bad as now, I must admit that you won this and KnC lost it. Hats off to you sir!
Not selling overpriced upgrade boards and/or Jupiters in December/January was a very stupid thing for KnC to do, but i understand them somehow. They didn't want to deal with a customers when they were busy planning for their big ass DC. Selling upgrade boards now for 350$ and delaying shipping and also delaying refunds for people when everyone knows that they made 500k$ per day(maybe ~200-300k$ per day now) from self-mining is simply outrageous. I still stand behind what argument we had in the past, but I am trying to be a fair and reasonable guy here. KnC was a great company back in Jupiter days when compared with companies existing at that time, but as i said it's time to move forward. So long KnC, we had a blast!