Realistically? What percentage of probability would you say?
I would say 90+% it ships December or later considering their previous efforts.
Jupiter was supposed to ship September and shipped in October.
Neptune was supposed to ship Q1/Q2 yet still hasn't shipped and probably won't ship until after June even though according to KNC they are "on track", whatever that means.
If they really are "on track" then they knew from the beginning that they would not be able to ship Q1 and lied to everyone using the possible Q1 release date as a marketing scheme.
What ever happened to under-promise and over-deliver?
Them better be some 6th/s Neptunes.
Edit: I originally posted some information and an opinion, but forget about it! I don't know why I even try and speak sense in this thread. Anyone posting an opinion that differs to that of Avengers just gets it shoved down their throat. It's like Lord Of The Flies in here, I think this thread should just be shut down, or properly moderated.