Just wanted to chime in with some thoughts of KnC's intentions, Neptunes, Plans A & B, cloudhashing, others' assumptions and your mom.
First, I'd like to make the point that there isn't a single one among us that have enough real details to make a truly fair and objective assessment of what KnC will be doing for their customers in the next 5-6 months. Neither rape nor reward. It is loathsome reading all this entirely negative banter being regurgitated over and over, built on assumptions and hypotheticals, in regard to KnC having royally screwed their customers dry only to realize their own selfish goals.
Might this plan B really have been plan A since the inception of KnC? Maybe, and even likely. In some communication with Sam at the beginning of May of last year in regard to hosting/cloudhashing, he told me, "... But we see that with hardware getting more and more expensive people with $100 to "invest" will have nowhere to turn to mine coins soon and we don't like that it makes this an elitists activity and we will look at ways of allowing the man/woman with a hundred bucks still be a part of the community." In another comment he goes on to say, "... The mining hardware market has treated its customers quite badly. We aim to show that not all companies are as bad as others, But what we really want is to show that if the community gather together they can help shape us providers and hold us to standards. So that the new companies which come along will have to meet those standards."
Now, it's possible that he was simply feeding me, a potential customer, a line of complete bullshit. It's possible that due to their success, greed has jaded the minds of KnC's execs. It's also possible that they simply are carrying out exactly the plan they intended to do from the very beginning. Ever since those comments, I KNEW KnC would eventually bring online a mining datacenter with cloudhashing services. It was only a matter of time. I am actually surprised it is only just now starting to come about. And let's be honest, who here is naive enough to deny that mining was inevitably turning into a cloudhashing landscape in which mines were placed in the most economically practical locations? Who would you prefer build these mega-mines, by the way? With the amount of capital investment being driven into BTC, and particularly mining, it is unfeasible for a solitary, small-time home hobbyist to maintain a practically impactful amount of hashpower in their home and these cloudhashing services (will) give anyone a lower cost, lower barrier of entry to get involved. Are there some concerns over centralizing the equipment for mining? Absolutely! However, the risks can be mitigated. It isn't difficult to imagine ways to accomplish this. Perhaps mines can be built in many different locations all over the world to avoid any physical politcal takeovers. Perhaps these cloudhashing contracts can come with the conditions that the customer assumes control of where the miner is pointed. Perhaps numerous companies, or even crowd funded projects, can offer these cloudhashing services in direct competition to each other to force better prices and more control to interested miners. WHEN you've got numerous options competing for your business, the customer wins. When confronted with the inevitable, perhaps what we really want is something that looks less like what Cex.io is doing and more like ..hmm, what maybe KnC is trying to do?
I am NOT advocating for KnC or all the decisions and statements that they have made or will make. Things may very well go sour for them and/or their customers -myself included. However, the point is nobody here knows a damn thing certain enough to say KnC, for a fact, is trying to do 'this' or trying to rape its customers like 'that'. Your accusations are built on assumptions. Will their mega-mine/s eat into your Neptune's return? Yes. Sorry, you'll either have to wait 6 months instead of the traditional 3 months to profit; or you can likely sell your machine for huge profit after you've even mined for a while. How could anyone expect KnC to not act like a business interested in ..staying in business? Enough of these "broken promises", "they said they'd sell machines, but now they're not", "they actually DO want everyone to refund their order" bullshit statements. If you knew a tertiary goal may either fail, or detract from the primary goal, would you still blindly carry through with it? Asinine! Anyone remember Mars? Anyone remember buying a 250Gh machine, and receiving a 450-550Gh machine? I guess I understand why, but companies in this BTC world are given absolutely no wiggle room to adjust plans and strategies. It boils down to, YOU make the best decision you can for yourself based off the information available at the time. And by all means, please keep asking for refunds. I wonder how far my late batch 1 miner has moved up since the announcement of plan B. Hell, I may still ask for a refund myself if they are ..now offering refunds in BTC at today's rate? They don't even have to do this! They could have not said a damn word about their plans for a mega-mine, not given any customers a safety net or right to any share of its hashpower, and surprised the the mining community in a few months.
...and assuming there's bad news or KnC being up to no good ...because Bitcoinorama has logged in and not commented? I almost shit myself after reading such an inane and baseless accusation. Assumptions up the ass in here. I didn't plan on saying something like this, but after seeing your Sam and Josh pic, Avenger, you're an idiot despite your exceedingly rare inklings of logical thought and deductions. I'll be surprised if you (or anyone) made it this far to see it anyway.
Tell your mom I'll call her back tomorrow.