Not surprised by the amount of refunds lately, actually expected more. With Cointerra, Black arrow and Bitmine all likely shipping prior to Knc it just seems like a very bad deal. Even with 30% diff jumps it won't be profitable and I doubt we'll see that in february and march.
Not trying to take a jab at those of you who decide to keep yours, I just think it's sad that Knc aren't even trying to let their customers make money
There is no reason to think they will all ship prior. In fact, there's good reason to think many of them won't ship at all. The reasons I'm referring to are KNCminer having delivered and the failure of others to do the same.
Anything can happen, but to make a statement like you have is erroneous. If you were to gather information and make an accurate statement, it would be that KNC is likely to deliver in the time frame in which they've outlined because they have made good on that promise in the past which is the only piece of information that is of any importance to this conversation(mostly because KNC has been so tight lipped). On the flip side, the only information we have that can indicate the likely outcome of other manufacturers is the fact that there have been multiple scams and failures.
As much as we'd all like to give more value to our emotional assessment of things, we must look at hard facts. There aren't a lot of them... which is why this thread is two billion pages long, people are jumping ship, and there is general panic overtaking some people. I believe much of this panic is because lots of these people have "invested" money they really shouldn't have. Others whom seem to respond much more intelligently and calmly are likely solid, financially, and indeed "speculated" with money they can afford to lose.
Do I want to lose 13,200 bux? No. Can I lose 13,200 bux and would my life not be impacted? Yes, but my "feeling" is that, as I read many of people's reactions, these individuals cannot say the same. If you are freaking the F out over not getting ROI in seven days you have some very rigid expectations. Normalize your expectations and you'll find your perspective of this whole thing is a bit more sane.
My requirement? N O T H I N G. This is a complete gamble, and if you don't think it is you're freaking tripp'n! Best case scenario expectation? BTC to da moon and diff between 5 and 10 b. What is my expectation for what I think is the likely scenario? Diff closer to 10b, price having moderately increase, perhaps 1,500 - 2,000. Worst case scenario is diff of 20 billion and price crash below 500. Do I think my "feelings" are correct? I haven't the faintest clue...