have we an overview of how many neptune refunds there were?
well i'm in for 2 neptunes one batch 1 (very earlynumber) one batch 2 (very early number).... so 2Th for around $7,788.67 is my share.
My two the brothers wanted in after my Oct Jupiter success and I asked them about about dumping the 2nd miner but like all noobs
(i remember that is what i thought) they want to keep the miner....ah miniing the security blanket when i was a noob.........
buying BTC straight if i can rember back that far was too scary..(ah...my noob youth when I ordered a jupiter i think btc was 150 bucks or so..sigh).....
so if things get real weird in 1 month i re-float the idea of dumping the 2nd neptune....but till then....will have to see what happens
but truth be told with the kind of difficulty rate we will have this year..especially for people just experimenting with usb miner lots of people around the world in my view...
ebay coming on board etc or whatever even at a loss on all this just all those people scrambling to learn and to
just to get into bitcoin..i am thinking a massive amount of folks jumping in at least a little.....the good news is lots of people..the bad news ROI or NO ROI that is gonna be a lot of hash
imho diff will go up hit a high in march/april and probably just stay at the diff percentage thru till fall or so.....it is gonna be nuts....
so again imho (remember i know zip just saying) when we are looking at 20k machines this fall that mine 0.10 btc from the get go. and are happy at that then...BTC had better go up
as a result of all this renewed hype about bitcoin...or quite frankly we are all scr*wed.....that much difficulty and GH and the price flatlines and goes down would be well...shudder....
but again imho .....it may take a while but even then probably less then a year....and the long way around but I should get more then ROI back (of course the arguement is probalby correct that i'd get more if
i dumped 2nd neptune or both now and buy btc)...but if this is what it takes to get the brothers some BTC so be it
the joys of bitcoin .....never a dull moment....
crosses fingers
p.s. if it was just me i'd dump the 2nd neptune and probably be pretty "puckered up" on the 1st neptune to tell you the truth....i will revist this in 1 month with the brothers thou....