@bitcoinorama And so... when will they put up for sale the update modules? next week? price? Payment will only be possible in bitcoins? And finally... only for the old costumers
They can't, at this point, hold it to just original customers as they advertise it on their website for all products. Originally it was just for Mercury and Saturn, but then they openly decided to let anyone buy them, customer or not.
Neptunes are still very much in the preliminary design phase.
Ugh. This statement does not inspire confidence for shipping Neptunes by end of Q1
That was never a possibility in all reality, especially with how long it takes to send to the foundry and then get it back ... at this point, April would be the earliest.. I believe my wager from 2 months ago was mid April for earliest, with mid May being most likely. And by then.. good luck ever getting a 15th of the BTC price back.
I am really starting to wonder if they might have produced a batch of Jupiters and decided to just keep them to mine privately. Despite their 28nm competitors lack of delivery, the network has still managed to grow rapidly and there is an obvious demand for their already designed and successful Jupiter miner. They even told us to get some BTC ready and implied they would sell from stock instead of taking pre-orders which was followed by complete silence while somebody very steadily added a lot of hashrate to the network. If they were able to manufacture another batch of Jupiters using the proceeds from the first 2 batches they would be foolish to sell them if they believe they would turn a profit.
Some of us were aware of the hidden 55nm competition coming online during December.. some of us said things, and we were ignored and laughed at. They're going to keep shipping, non stop.
And when Cointerra starts shipping in the next 2 weeks it's going to hurt more, but what would be worse is if they have planned things out to the point where they have enough material to fulfill their first 2 or 3 batches. Their assembly line makes KNC's look like a 15th century sheep farm. They could knock the batches out in a week, maybe 2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they were doing 5,000 and 10,000 unit batches, and still are, with some single orders in the upper hundreds of units.
Imagine that difficulty level.
This doesn't catch KNC off guard, nor any other serious OEM. Everyone knows it's going industrial which is why a lot of these initial designs are very industrial, to prepare them to move to the corporate level.