1421 pages. I wonder what percentage of that content is OT.
on topic - KnC - I want an update on the status of the Neptunes, please.
Neptunes are still very much in the preliminary design phase. As much as the timeline will be reduced significantly in comparison to a standard engineering project at 20nm, if such exists, because this is absolute bleeding edge we want to be absolutely sure what we commit to silicon will ensure a successful product at the end. This initial phase will not be rushed.
That said we have completely re-written and optimised the RTL code. The Jupiter project was very much focused upon safe speed to market and the window of opportunity hashing power presented in this present finite period prior to significant competition. The Neptune project whilst adhering to aspects of the aforementioned must focus upon power consumption as it's primary trait if customers (you guys) will be able to compete successfully over a longer period. We know that we are reaching limits on standard household circuits, we want you to remain competitive w.r.t. the unfolding mining landscape and we are all to well aware that electricity costs will come into focus in the not too distant future.
So where we are now is that we have a working FPGA code and are in the process of testing that and tweaking any further refinements before it's submission.
With respect to the speculation above we sold out of Neptune's last night.
Thanks for the update and congratulations on selling out. Do you know if there are any plans to ship with a PSU, or if we will need to provide them ourselves?
Also, bit of a daft question, but in the reseller accounts the neptunes are broken up by batch, if for example i had sold 9 from batch one, and 1 from batch 2, would i still be eligible for my bonus unit, or does it have to be 10 from one batch?