Keep diggin'
Poor knc, running scared now from the superior engineering they are observing from other companies. Proves they don't even believe in the knobtune they are selling. They won't even stand by it as their flagship product and not ship any more Jupiters.
They just want the fast cash, because they know they could burn everything on the knobtune. Probably their knobtune order figures are pure fabrication.
Buying 6 jupiters right now would be much better than pre-ordering a knc knobtuner for delivery in August 2014 by an order of magnitude. 3TH right now is worth multiple times that in August 2014, we all know that! Hopefully they sell lots of Jupiters on that basis and people will get refunds on their knobtune orders. Leaving knc all whored out for the easy cash.
Good luck with your three knobtunes hoe-nix. Did they give you one free to take over the forum shillin' & whorin' role? We are most impressed you managed to get the first place in the knobtune pre-order list, a feat not likely if you were on a level playing field with everyone else
P.S. My next prediction is when they will shut the refund window on knobtunes? I guess not that far away, they need to lock that cash in when people realise they are going to mine diddly when they ship. March? April? Or earlier? I originally thought April, but now the competition has arrived and knc are getting scared, you'd have to guess earlier.