So just write the image to the SD card, pop it in and power it on. The unit just knows to boot off the card not internal memory automatically?
wait this an october image, no?
D&T you do have a November jup, right?
Correct. If the issue is that the BBB is corrupting the internal memory for some reason (which given that settings are all trashed on reboot kinda makes sense) then this might work if there was a Nov img file available. It at least would be worth trying as I have nothing to lose at this point.
I think your having the same issue as me. This is what I was told. I just woke up and have not tested it yet though. Copy the ZIP file to an SD card and unzip the content of the archive on to the micro SD card formatted with FAT file system.
2) Turn the miner off via the power supply off switch and disconnect from the wall.
3) Open the case of the miner.
4) Insert the micro SD with the recovery files on it in to the SD card slot on the controller board
Note: to insert the micro SD card into the slot it might be necessary to unplug the flat cables which connect the ASIC boards to the controller board.
5) Reconnect the power supply and turn the power on.
6) Please wait while internal MMC flash memory is reprogrammed there will be a sequence of LED as follows:
1,2,3,4 blue LEDs on the BeagleBone will turn on, then bright white LED inside the case turns on for several seconds and then the red + green LEDs on the control board are on this means that the programming is in progress. When only the green LED is on for 5 seconds this means that the recovery was successful then all LEDs should go off and it means that the procedure completed.
7) Turn the miner off again and disconnect from the wall.
Eject the micro SD card from the controller board.
9) Plug in all the cables that were unplugged and ensure that they are secured.
10) Reconnect the power supply and power on. The miner should then start from the on-board MMC flash with the software revision 0.9.9-E