The Sexcoin Maid
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Update: ... SOONTM...
The new client is ready to go. Here are some things we've been waiting on:
- A last minute issue cropped up with building on Linux 16.04. This has probably been worked out
- There are a couple of large pools that have not adapted yet. We really wanted them on board before we released to users
- I've had a report that sync time on the Mac client is off the chain. I think this has been worked out.
- People using the Age Verification feature before mining support was in place still concerns me, but we may just have to deal with it
- The issue with Livecoin and Cryptopia caused us pause. This looks like it has been worked out.
I'm working on the final documentation for the release. Its basically a collection of all the UPDATE posts that have trickled in over the last few weeks. When that is done we will release.
I want to thank everyone, both old timers and new blood, for all the support you have shown. Sexcoin has been more than just a project for many of us and your patience and interest are valuable assets to a coin that has been working hard to create its place in the economy.