
Topic: [TEK] TEKcoin Hi-PoS hybrid pos/pow no premine/ipo/ico - page 108. (Read 446098 times)

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
So i just fired up my Tek wallet (v2.2.1.0-gf96a5a-TEK. ) for 1st time in like 3 weeks. figured i let coins age a little as they werent mature. And holy crap! I had 11 orphans come in (like 200% of my balance) then 5 accepted stakes ( about 50% of my balance). just wondering is that normal? doesnt seem so. Not complaining about 50% mind you,just curious to know if latest wallet version would make any diff? Was a bummer to see so many orphans in a row.
Orphaning a block doesn't consume age so it may be you orphaned some of the same block(s) repeatedly.  Are you sure you were fully synced before you started staking?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
So i just fired up my Tek wallet (v2.2.1.0-gf96a5a-TEK. ) for 1st time in like 3 weeks. figured i let coins age a little as they werent mature. And holy crap! I had 11 orphans come in (like 200% of my balance) then 5 accepted stakes ( about 50% of my balance). just wondering is that normal? doesnt seem so. Not complaining about 50% mind you,just curious to know if latest wallet version would make any diff? Was a bummer to see so many orphans in a row.

I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but I got less orphans with the newest wallet than I did before. But if you do get them, just run repairwallet and it'll clear them out and you'll be able to stake the mature coins again.
sr. member
Activity: 480
Merit: 250
Hi folks is there an IRC channel about tek?

We had one up a few times in the past but nothing up atm as far as i know.

One more question, how long for the coins to get mature and start to stake?


30 days Grin
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 250
The Exchange for EOS Community
Hi folks is there an IRC channel about tek?

We had one up a few times in the past but nothing up atm as far as i know.

One more question, how long for the coins to get mature and start to stake?

Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
So i just fired up my Tek wallet (v2.2.1.0-gf96a5a-TEK. ) for 1st time in like 3 weeks. figured i let coins age a little as they werent mature. And holy crap! I had 11 orphans come in (like 200% of my balance) then 5 accepted stakes ( about 50% of my balance). just wondering is that normal? doesnt seem so. Not complaining about 50% mind you,just curious to know if latest wallet version would make any diff? Was a bummer to see so many orphans in a row.
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Hi folks is there an IRC channel about tek?

We had one up a few times in the past but nothing up atm as far as i know.
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 250
The Exchange for EOS Community
Hi folks is there an IRC channel about tek?
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 502
My windows wallet seems to have stopped syncing as well. Something seems to be wrong. what is the latest wallet level?
Never mind I reboot the wallet and it synced up.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1000
Never invest with borrowed coins
hi guys , is the mac wallet working, mine not syncing
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
No one has posted on here for 7 days?

I noticed TEK took a huge hit today.  Anyone know what is going on?

I can guess.

BTC took a huge hit, and the fourtunes of TEK always seem to ride that wave. That's what it is, a guess, but I think it fairly accurate.

EVERYTHING is down right now, everything. Its a buyers market. Enjoy the low prices on everything!

Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
No one has posted on here for 7 days?

I noticed TEK took a huge hit today.  Anyone know what is going on?

I can guess.

BTC took a huge hit, and the fourtunes of TEK always seem to ride that wave. That's what it is, a guess, but I think it fairly accurate.
Activity: 1231
Merit: 1001
No one has posted on here for 7 days?

I noticed TEK took a huge hit today.  Anyone know what is going on?
hero member
Activity: 804
Merit: 501
Sorry if I'm late, but I'm working if there is an issue with the BC.  My wallet isn't updating to 100%.

Also, is there a mailing list to when updates are released?  It's somewhat of a pain to be one of the last to find out if there are technical resolutions out there.

Activity: 45
Merit: 0
I guess by intrinsic value I meant quantified.  Be it in USD, sea urchin shells, or whatever.  Sell walls ought to increase supply and, therefore, lower price.   And vice versa for buy walls.  This is what got my investments in such trouble.  In the crypto market this basic fundamental does not hold because of rampant speculation.  That does not even account for short term wall bluffs.  I would still be interested to learn how it is determined whether the coin is over-valued or under-valued.  I believe that the right price for anything at a given moment in time is what two parties willingly trade it for at that moment in time.  A gun to the head or starvation, of course, can drastically affect a "fair market value".
Also, the corollary to the idea that a big sell wall raises the price is that I could put a big sell wall for higher than current price and I would get it and that I could then put up a big buy wall at a lower price and I would succeed in that too.  Soon, all the TEKcoins would be mine.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
And I would like to hear exactly what or who determines that the price is inflated or otherwise.  What, exactly SHOULD the price be?  Is there a formula for that?  I believe the price of every currency, crypto and fiat, is purely speculative and based on perception as none have any intrinsic value.  

All Coins including BTC are still only functioning as commodities, like gold or silver.

In the field of economics, the commodity value of a good is its free market intrinsic value under optimal use conditions. In a free market, the commodity value of a good will be reflected by its price. For example, if an acre of land can yield a net of 100 dollars loss by lying fallow, 50 dollars gain by being planted with corn, and 100 dollars gain by being planted with wheat, then that acre's commodity value is 100 dollars; the farmer is assumed to put his land to best use.

So what intrinsic value does tekcoin have:
Store of Value    
Black Market    
Global Currency

And 1 additional is mining capacity,
Tekcoin PoS is the most economical way to mine more tekcoins, so that adds value.

True Market Price will be determined as time moves forward and we can better calculate tek usage per each available option.


Tek does have a strong community support behind it, so odds are high it will weather the highs & lows of speculation until its true value can be calculated. Plus is that not the reason most are in crypto to buy as much crypto as possible now for as cheaply as possible and then sell later for a Staggering Profit.   Smiley
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1011
Seriously?? re-read the posts... I said I want a discount for an order that large, If I place a BUY order lower than the going price, and the sell walls are to shallow then people will tend to sell into my BUY wall and thus dropping the value at that moment...

The price of any currency is what the market dictates. and at this moment, the value is being pumped slightly by little sell walls.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
besides the fact that I would like a bit of a discount, the price at this moment is a bit inflated with shallow sell's on Cryptsy. so this is actually closer to the real value as of today, maybe even a little high. Good time for people who want an exit to sell to me... Tongue

How does a big buy order drive the price down?  That would mean big sell walls drive price up?  And I would like to hear exactly what or who determines that the price is inflated or otherwise.  What, exactly SHOULD the price be?  Is there a formula for that?  I believe the price of every currency, crypto and fiat, is purely speculative and based on perception as none have any intrinsic value. 
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1011
besides the fact that I would like a bit of a discount, the price at this moment is a bit inflated with shallow sell's on Cryptsy. so this is actually closer to the real value as of today, maybe even a little high. Good time for people who want an exit to sell to me... Tongue
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
Anyone looking to get rid of some TEK, I am looking to add some more to my portfolio. I am looking to buy up to 300k @ 3000 sats. PM me if interested.

Smiley Just go and place the BUY WALL at Crypsy// it will be twice as cool, then forum showoff Smiley

No, when you're looking for a discount and large purchase, it's better to do it off the exchange. That way you don't drive the price down.
sr. member
Activity: 298
Merit: 250
Anyone looking to get rid of some TEK, I am looking to add some more to my portfolio. I am looking to buy up to 300k @ 3000 sats. PM me if interested.

Smiley Just go and place the BUY WALL at Crypsy// it will be twice as cool, then forum showoff Smiley
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