Couple of things to try before doing anything radical. Given the limited information you gave us, I may be treading ground you already have covered.
First, if you haven't already done this, exit the client. File ->exit if you are using Qt, or Tekcoind stop if you're using the daemon. (Tekcoind.exe for windows, I think. I use Ubuntu for the most part)
Then restart it and see if it's working. If that don't get it, try to get some of the nodes listed in the thread. In the console, it's addnode
If none of that works, first, make damn sure you have a good backup of your wallet.dat file, and your tekcoin.conf file if present, then delete everything in the data file. Either download the latest bootstrap and put it in your data directory, or just sync from zero. First way is faster, second is safer (in theory). Copy your tekcoin.conf file back in, launch the client and let it sync. When it's fully synced, delete the new wallet.dat file and copy your old one in, again restarting the client.
I'll be available tomorrow (friday) at least part of the time if you need further help. Just PM me. Or Thundertoe, or Noise23 In fact, quite a few people in the thread can help you if they're willing. Good luck!
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I already tried exiting and restarting, but it's still stuck in limbo. Also it looks like I have a weak connection to the network, and have never had that before. I will try some of the nodes tonight and see if that gets er done. If I'm still having trouble I'll PM you, and the advice is much appreciated.
On another note, it looks like my coins did stake, but the wallet is still out of sync and the staked coins have not moved to my balance yet.
If your wallet did stake while out of sync there is no other option but to delete blockchain files and re-sync from the scratch.
Never stake on unsynced blockchain - wallet will go to its own fork and will be unable to sync with the network.
Will do. I don't know what happened but I'll back up my wallet and try again. Thanks for all the help guys
Yes, take heed to this as this will mess up your wallet everytime. Sync first then stake. All good.