You want to use coin control so you use the entire block. Creating change will create headaches (think thirty .0001tek deposits). Just open coin control and send your ~100tek to yourself... but don't create change. Send the entire block amount to yourself.
That's my opinion and everyone else can share theirs...
My blocks are much bigger than 100 TEK, so I could reach the level of atomicity I need. I prefer to ultimately merge all the tiny deposits into one block by manually selecting them later in coin control (I already did it).
so we have to change from conntect to addnode in conf? thanks for quick answer , david . what is best amount of tek per block?
Yes, if you are on the right chain (check my tutorial for instructions), you can change
connect to
There is no "best amount of TEK", because TEK doesn't implement max_subsidy - one huge block or 30 small ones is the same for TEK.
Now, if you want to better secure the network and at the same time benefitting from the psychological comfort of earning money every day, just divide you total amount of TEK by 30 and every day during one month, you will send to yourself 1/30 of your stash (yes, this is tedious, I'm not sure I will have the discipline to do it myself).
Say you have 300 TEK
Day 1, you send 10 TEK to yourself
Day 2, you send 10 more TEK to yourself
Day 3, same thing
and so on
Every time you will send TEK to yourself, you will reset the coin age of this TEK so you will end up with TEK maturing every day, starting from D1+30.
Four things to consider:
- tiny fees (you will merge them later on)
- coin control works by block, not coin, if I understood correctly. So you might very well end up reset more than 10 TEK or coinage every day and thus earn less than expected the first month (next month, it should be OK)
- after the first month, you will have more than 30 blocks, because blocks get divided to stake, so you will end up with, maybe, 45 or 60 block pretty soon. This is not much of an issue, still, because you will get stake every day and secure the network even more (at the cost of staking less often and possibly a bit lower compounded interest.
- you will encounter dust issue faster, so maintenance will have to be done more often. We are
working on a workaround on HYP, that could probably easily be added to TEK later.
All of this under presstab's control of course. He is the coder, I am "just" the brainstormer and the mouth.