OK guys, please confirm I am right
A. Salvaging1. We finally have a working TEK again - no more forks -
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.85653762. Do NOT start up the old client. Get the latest version instead.
3. Do NOT use the older blockchain. Sync everything from scratch (so, delete your /tekcoin folder EXCEPT your wallet, of course). A blockchain is available to download somewhere (please point the URL, update the OP
4. Ideally, use a backup of your wallet, not the latest version of your wallet, which might be on the wrong chain from the past ten days
5. While you're at it, create a tekcoin.conf file like this one
put this in tekcoin.conf (thanks to
connect= Prepare to get a much lower interest rate than before, since NVCS finally kicked in. This means the poor sod like me who expected this interest rate to continu for some time are out of luck. But this also mean that, hopefully, the price will go up. Do NOT sell at these prices. Yes, some people will dump hard, let them dump, Alternatively, you can try short selling, of course. Whatever happens, TEK should rise in price again, but not immediately
7. It would be good to check your wallet. Repair wallet and --salvage wallet would make sense, but more explanations needed here
8. Update the OP with instructions.
So, please confirm step-by-step (e.g. 1 is OK, 2 is not, 3 is OK...). Until I get a
OK satisfactory answer on steps 1 to 5 included (and optionally step 7 too), I won't start my wallet.
B. Observations1. In the future, dev should use #tekcoin (IRC @freenode) instead of bitcointalk. This is much faster for debugging.
2. I would welcome a debriefing. What went wrong (
biomech wrote up a nice summary), what can be done to improve the process (
PDCA/Deming wheel) leave this one out. It's my ip, and it's going to go away tomorrow most likely, as I'm moving. It's a good node until I take it down, so no worries, but I'd take it out of your configuration to avoid any problems when I go offline. I'll probably be offline for like a week to ten days, or very spotty if I am online, and then I'll be a solid node again.
David, you probably have a better understanding of this than I do, but I think the NVCS adjusment will calm down in a few days, so if all of us use coin control and stage our staking, it likely won't go nuts again, barring further catastrophe.
Thundertoe or Defaced can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe they are going to release another wallet with checkpoints and exclusions very soon, but it will NOT be a mandatory update as this last series was because the checkpoints and exclusions will be the only change. That being said, there ain't no good reason NOT to update when that happens.
I personally think IRC is a disease, but in this instance, I have to agree with your assesment. Either that or a skype room for the duration of any emergency.