It's happening. Defaced is adding checkpoints and making that happen soon. It's currently being tested, but he went to bed. We needed to get a stable chain first, as I understand it.
Xhabit's pool is on the correct chain, so it's good to use as a reference for the block height right now. Thundertoe is contacting the people that run the block explorer. I know you have been working very hard to get things resolved.
But without these fail-safe measures its hard to get a stable chain.
So I honestly don't understand why these were not implemented before releasing the fixed wallet.
Currently I would not back up those words we have a "stable" chain.
So I strongly advise anybody NOT to make transfers and wait just like I did until the chain is indeed stable.
I'm kind of stuck in the middle here
Which is ok, I volunteered. I'm not a good enough programmer to make a decent "hello world" program in anything other than basic, bash, and batch, so I pass on what I've gleaned and hope for the best.
so, the basic story is that the original error took almost everyone by surprise, because when it happened Tek had been working flawlessly for a long time. Thundertoe didn't know where it went wrong (he's an ok programmer, but not a genius like some of these people), but figured out WHAT went wrong. Tranz figured out where. Defaced, who is friends with Thundertoe and I, and a Tekhead himself, volunteered to help out. We all had a lot of other shit going on at the same time, and frankly, mistakes were made. Along the way, several other people volunteered to help and review code. Somehow nobody realized the lack of checkpoints and exclusions of old wallets until after the fact. In testing, everything worked fine, but we didn't realize (hindsight being 20/20 it's obvious now) just how much competition there would be for staking. Shit broke.
Y'all have been very patient, and even the angry accusations have come across more like venting. For that, I'm quite proud to be part of this community. We may get a bit contentious, but we get things done. ANY other coin that I've been involved in would have had it's community come unglued over far less. Other communities could learn a lot from this.
All I can say, from my POV, is that while mistakes were made, they are being corrected. Hopefully by tomorrow there will be a checkpointed and exclusionary wallet. And if not, it won't be long. Thanks again, all of you, for making this as easy as it can be given the circumstances. Should such an instance arise again, we'll do better at the fixes. Hopefully the coin will run on rails like it has for a long time now once again. Meanwhile, don't be too eager to sell, and we'll beat this bitch into shape.