Per block? Remember the block splits into 2 individual blocks of relatively identical amounts....
Using the built in block explorer in the new GUI, I've tried to calculate my PoS rewards. I seem to only be getting 28% to 33% reward, not the 40%+ we were getting before PoS broke. Has the PoS reward calculation been changed?
I am factoring both outputs.
For example, my first PoS ontoday's working chain: Tx 06771fc6bd232d14b55cb54e8f38fd0ac2a88af114d50a328dbca952252c2bde
Input: 340.167416
Output: 227.246 and 227.246
2*227.246/340.167416= 1.33608 or 33.61% reward
That original 340.167416 is from July 23rd: Tx 0366f98edb37c7bb77bcc4603a50818bc15d0c9a1ff6a036a46922ca86790a04
I think I'm getting a similar thing, using the Windows wallet...
One transaction from the 10th July, 291 TEK, PoS mined amount from today, 19 days after it should have staked at 40%, I'm getting an amount of 422 TEK - Only 45% stake, when if the dates are calculated correctly, it should have been considerably more...
In fact, if I take the value of all my 'mature' TEK pre-fork and apply 40% to it, that gives me a figure which is a couple of hundred TEK MORE than the actual staking value that the wallet has produced. Bearing in mind that some of the coins are about 50 days old, I would have expected the overall stake payout to be considerably more...
Another example... on the 18th July, I combined 388.437 TEK, so on the 17th August, it SHOULD have staked, giving me 2 blocks, each of 271.9 TEK. That same block has now staked with the new wallet, 10 days AFTER it should have staked, giving me 2 SMALLER blocks, each of value 267.3 TEK. So something would appear to be not right still...
Similar scenario on the 27th July - combined block of 461TEK, which again has just staked. The amount that came through was 2 blocks of 299TEK. As this is only just over the 30 day maturity period, it's safe to assume that the stake ought to be close to the 40% figure, but not less. In actual fact, it's more like 30%. (A 40% figure would have given me 2 blocks of 323TEK...)
Guys, if you need a hand testing this, give me a shout. I'll be glad to help if I can