Merry Christmas, Tezos people!
Baking Bad rating has been enriched with three new criteria and transformed into a custom baker lists designer.
1. Payout amounts: This characteristic is determined based on the actual reward payments. For each baker, we select a random delegator and check the last 10 cycles. This is done every week.
Precise means that payment transaction amounts are the same as the expected rewards, calculated using the baker's config.
Inaccurate indicates that payments are less or greater than expected. This indicates errors in the baker's calculations, including incorrect rounding.
Suspicious warns that payout amounts significantly differ from expected ones or there have been no payments for quite some time.
No data is shown for closed, dead, or new bakers (not enough data). We also cannot analyze untransparent entities such as exchanges, or bakers that use very specific payment schemes
2. Payout period: This characteristic is determined based on the actual reward payments. For each baker, we select a random delegator and check the last 10 cycles. This is done every week.
Stable means that baker pays on time, in line with the according setting in the baker's config.
Unstable means that baker paid later or earlier than expected at least once in the checked cycles.
Suspicious warns that there have been no payments for quite some time.
No data is shown for closed, dead, or new bakers (not enough data). We also cannot analyze untransparent entities such as exchanges, or bakers that use very specific schemes.
3. Service kind: Tezos-only, Multiasset pool, Tezos&Dune, Exchange.
Filter and sort as you like, share and be awesome!