What should i do?
On windows or on Linux/Debian? I had that same issue. You need the AMD ADL_SDK files for it be able to monitor the temperatures.
Make sure the files are in the ADL_SDK folder and recompile it if you're on linux/debian. If that doesn't work; download the ADL_SDK 6.0 and manually place those files in the ADL_SDK folder
I'm On BAMT linux, where is path of ADL_SDK on linux?
Then you should have a working ADL_SDK in bamt
try this in terminal:
cp /opt/miners/cgminer/ADL_SDK/* /where/you/vgminer-gpu/folder/is/ADL_SDK/
then run buildit.sh again. If that fails, manually download this file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10987558/ADL_SDK/ADL_SDK.zip and extract those files in the ADL_SDK folder and rebuild it again.