If you took all the religions in the world and destroyed them, in 1000 years there would be entirely new religions, completely different from the old religions...
If you took all the science in the world and destroyed it... in 1000 years there would be EXACTLY THE SAME SCIENCE
Mathematics is not something invented by humans, it is discovered by humans... mathematics is the same in any language, on any planet... 1 + 1 = 2 is a provable concept and does not change based on societal norms or which deities they currently worship
Newton and Leibniz are credited with the co-discovery of calculus... they did not invent it, they both discovered it at the same time... math/science is universal, religion is not
Science talks about facts and natural phenomenon while religion talks about supernatural stuff too. Sometimes, stuff spoken in religion does not make sense but can at times supported with science. Science talks about assumptions and hypothesis while religion is based on stories that have been passed through centuries. Wont make sense to make a relation between these two or try to find any.
Science and religion is somehow connected to one onther but at so many point they have differences. One is in science to see it to believe. As long as they didnt see it they do not believe on it. While in religion even it cannot seen by our naked eyes we still believe on such thing.
Just go back to school.
RF, magnetism, elementary particles, genes, gravity, microbes, viruses, bacteria, dark energy, black holes, dark matter, gravitational waves cannot be seen with naked eyes.
Molecular structures cannot be seen with naked eyes. Are you sure you know what science is?
It is like asking what is the difference between fairy tales and the scientific method.
Science was used to validate that religions are in fact ancient fairy tales. End of story. End of discussion. Next.
I cannot stop you believe in fairy tales, but I can prove to you that the holy scriptures (of any known religions) are fairy tales.
Beyond a reasonable doubt.
Religion was around way longer than science. You are doing a trick-twist. Science validates religion that religion is right. It works like this. Back in the 1950s...
Three guys individually stopped at the same hotel at the same time. Each asked for a room. The clerk behind the desk told them that there was only one room left. They could draw straws for it, or they could share it. The guys decided to share it.
The clerk charged them $30 for the room - $10 apiece. They went up to their room.
Later, the clerk felt guilty for charging the guys so much, so he gave the bellboy $5 to return to the guys as a refund. On the way up in the elevator, the bellboy couldn't figure out how to divide $5 evenly between 3 guys, so, he decided to keep $2 as a tip.
The bellboy gave each of the guys a dollar back. This means that each guy paid only $9. Three times nine is $27, plus the $2 that the bellboy kept makes $29. What happened to the 30th dollar?
Science validates that religion is right. You simply twist the final answer.