Well, there are always going to be disagreements between experts.
Except there aren't. Everyone who has excavated that site agrees that the Biblical story of Joshua and Jericho is nonsense.
The daters of standard world dating, themselves, express that they are only using guesses to set up an organized standard. Currents date standards are flawed in various ways.
Except they aren't.
The evidence for the flood has been found all around the world, and is recorded in many cultural records as well as cave paintings.
Except it isn't. If you want to be taken seriously, try presenting some evidence to back up your claims, like I did.
The same mountain of evidence for evolution can much more easily be used to show creation, adaptation, and like-begets-like.
No, it absolutely can't.
You can waffle your unfounded nonsense as long as you like, but if you can't provide a single shred of evidence to support any one of your opinions, then they are just that - opinions. Not facts. Not the truth. Just baseless, incorrect, opinions. Exactly what we have all come to expect from you.
You ARE having your troubles, today, aren't you.
Regarding Jericho, for starters:
https://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/22/world/believers-score-in-battle-over-the-battle-of-jericho.htmlRegarding age of the universe, you can find the papers of the scientists who started the idea of an old universe, where they claim exactly that nobody knows the age for sure, and that an old universe was set as a method for organizing scientific things... not because it had to do with the actual age of the universe.
Regarding evolution, a creation model easily matches all the evidence claimed for an evolution model; so, which is it? The exactness of complex cause and effect destroys the possibility of such a thing as random mutations suggested by evolution theory. Natural selection as suggested by evolution theory would have to be so extremely complex to produce life, that it would be way beyond human selection... as we can see by man's failed ability to create life from scratch; such indicates God rather than evolution. The flaw in suggesting that it was the long length of time that allows beneficial mutation accumulation, is that exact same length of time allows the greatly more prevalent natural corrections and detrimental mutations to destroy all the beneficial mutations.
You need to think a little rather than always allow yourself to be led by some kind of propaganda-filled political science.