Atheism is a chunk of stupidity... barely a religion. After all, anybody who attempts to be an atheist, knows that he is a liar, because:
1. Nobody knows that God doesn't exist somewhere, and that God has simply hidden Himself from people to observe people in private; nobody knows that this isn't the way things are;
2. The atheist is trying to set himself up as god, simply by trying to force himself to believe that there is no God in the face of knowing #1, above; so when he sets himself up as god, he is contradicting the exact thing that he is proclaiming for himself... atheism.
Since the atheist is doing these things, he has a religion going for himself, even though it is not a religion like other religions. Why? Because he is trying to believe that he can be an atheist even though he knows that God might exist somewhere, and even though - if he thinks about it - he is attempting to set himself up as god simply by trying to be an atheist.
In a similar way, science is a religion when scientist and others try to believe that a science theory is a fact, because they know that being a theory, it can change. but facts don't change. Only things that are believed to be facts when they aren't can change. These people even know science theory can be dropped from theory status if enough evidence against it is discovered. Because of this, believing it to be fact is like a religion for them.
Barely a religion? It isn't a religion, nor is it stupid, and saying things like this is pretty stupid in my opinion. Why don't you apply the same logic to believers? Going by your logic surely someone who says they
know that there's a god is as equally as stupid as the atheist because it's something they can't possibly know for certain. Atheism is a lack of belief or faith if anything. As Richard Dawkins says (and I'm paraphrasing here): you're not an atheist or agnostic towards unicorns if you don't believe in them. There
could be unicorns, but there's almost certainly not and there's at least no evidence for them (other than in books, which like religions are just myths containing supernatural beings).
Atheism isn't necessarily the belief that you
know there's no god either. It's that you don't believe there is one, unlikely to believe there is one, or you don't see any evidence for there being one:
Well, thanks... for confirming that atheism is a religion for you. You are not bored pointing out. You are worn out dogged tired, because you know that you can't find anything to prove me wrong. The things I say are not proving things. They are thinking things, and you can't find anything wrong with them. If you could, you would say it rather than continually saying that I am wrong, without having anything to show as wrongness in me.
Again, science theory, when it is believed to be fact, is a religion for those who so believe. The dictionary definition I pointed out shows it by definition, that anything you believe in is a religion for you, or part of your personal religion.
You're being intellectually dishonest here and are trying to stretch definitions to suit your agenda. If something is a fact then it is a fact. It's not a religious belief if you believe that water is wet. You can't say the people who "believe" the earth is round are a religion. A theory is a proposed idea:
A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking
A theory can be debunked or disproved if it's not true. The earth being flat used to be a theory. Then the earth being round was a theory. One was disproved and the other was proved by facts and science (though you still get idiots who think the earth is flat but hey, some people deny facts and logic). I think all scientific theories probably start out as abstract ideas or educated guesses or assumptions, but then you look for evidence to either support or disprove them.
Aw, did I hurt your itty-bitty feelings?
There is lots of proof for the fact that God exists. Simply check out the
"Scientific proof that God exists?" thread to see the proof. The simplest of the proofs is the machine nature of the universe. Machines have makers.
Everybody knows that God exists, way down in their heart. But if people don't know God that way, let me say it again:
Either you believe that God might exist, because you know that there are many place you haven't checked for Him yet, and He might be in one of those places...
Or you firmly believe that God doesn't exist, which makes you into a god, so God does exist in you simply believing that god doesn't exist. After all, it takes a god to make the faithful pronouncement that God doesn't exist, especially when it is possible that He might exist somewhere that you haven't checked out yet.
Either way, God/god exists. So, not atheist, really. But even if there could somehow be an atheist, atheism is a religion with a god... the atheist, himself.
Or can't you think clearly enough to understand all this?
The difference between atheists and the Dawkins unicorns is this. Atheism is like a unicorn trying to believe unicorns don't exist. Atheism is like a god trying to believe God/god doesn't exist.
In the God-proof thread I linked, above, there are proofs listed for God. I even mentioned one of them. This means that people who understand the proof, absolutely know that God exists. This means that they lack belief in the existence of God. Why would they lack belief in His existence? Because they
know He exists by the proof found in nature and other places. It's very difficult believe something you know. If they didn't know, but only saw evidence, they might believe somewhat, based on the evidence. But since they know that God exists, they don't believe it.
The ironic thing here is that this makes people who know that God exists, more atheists than atheists themselves. Why? Because part of the definition of atheist is "lacks belief in the existence of God." People who know that God exists, lack belief both in His existence or His non-existence, because they are outside the realm of believing or not believing such a thing. They know God exists... no room for belief or unbelief or non-belief.
I mean, when you sit down at the table for supper, you don't believe the plate of food is there. Either it is there and you know it, or it is not there and you know it. No belief one way or the other involved at all. But look at the definition for "atheism:"
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
It has to do with belief or disbelief. When you know, you don't believe or disbelieve.
Theories that can't be debunked are facts, not theories.