The universe, and our minds, are not chaotic. They are structured, ordered. There is no such thing as chaos in this universe, chaos being the absence of information.
Besides, if what you say is true about the human mind, then how can you argue anything at all? Just give up, its pure chaos in our heads.
Information is only information if there is something to understand it, record it, and recognize it. Using that understanding, the universe is quite chaotic.
Admittedly, though, order and chaos are human concepts. What we see as ordered, such and boxes stacked alphabetically, may seem chaotic to someone with a different language alphabet. Likewise, boxes being placed chaotically all over a warehouse without any seeming order, look perfectly structured to a robot that remembers the location of each box in its database, and placed then based on how much time it would waste placing and retrieving them. So, in that sense, all we can really say is whether the information is stored efficiently based on the time it takes to recall it, and the quality of recalled information. Compared to written words, recorded videos, or data stored on computers, our memory storage is EXTREMELY inefficient.
Though that physical method of memory storage and recall is I guess what gives us a chance to be unique, defining us as who we are with every new neural link and every new neural break. And all we are really doing is trying to use our inefficient brains to make structure and sense out of a chaotic world. Why? Because evolution said that's the best method of survival.