It appears that all the funds have been removed and *nothing has happened with this project for months*.
So unless I am led to believe otherwise then I will be closing it off at the end of this week.
Actually this project has been worked on continually, even up until today, as you can see in the commit history:
We have a lot of new features added, and an announcement is overdue. For example, Namecoin and Bitmessage have been integrated. I've been in the middle of a move to Switzerland, and busy with the Bitmessage integration, so I want to get that tested up and make a new video before I post a big update here to this thread.
As for the funds, they are still all there, I just moved them to a separate address out of concern for security. The amount was sitting on my desktop and was making me nervous, so I moved it to a paper wallet.
Pls just leave the project on CIYAM for now, and soon I will get in there and update the CIYAM page. Lots of the sub-bounties can be closed and paid out, and I will slip in new addresses for the bounties that remain, so the funds can be visible again. Lots of progress going on lately!