Does an hsm_secret recover non-cooperatively closed channel's funds?
As far as I understand, hsm_secret is some sort of seed for the internal on-chain wallet.
- Node_1 opened a 300,000 worth of sats channel with Node_2.
- Node_1 sent 150,000 sats to Node_2.
- Node_1 goes offline.
- Node_2 cancels the channel non-cooperatively.
- Can Node_1 recover the bitcoin with hsm_secret?
Node_2 could publish an older commitment, for example (not the case here, I know).
Other things to try...
Have you tried to generate seed words from hsm_secret and restore those in Electrum?
What's odd to me is that labels your actual force close transaction (if I understand correctly) just as a 'Multisig 2 of 2':
Meanwhile, the address of Node_2 also got a second transaction labeled as 'Lightning Force Close' (1 input, 1 output) and Node_1's address still sits there with all its funds, so it lacks a similar transaction.
I would have expxected a 'Lightning Force Close' transaction to have 1 (Multisig) input and 2 outputs.
While you and I both know how a force close works in theory, I haven't found an actual flow graph or similar, that would definitely help explain the current situation (only one of the 2 nodes got the 'Lightning Force Close' transaction, basically).
I just discovered the guesstoremote method in lightning-hsmtool. Not sure why it's even required to brute force anything, but worth a try, I guess.
dumponchaindescriptors should also give you a bunch of addresses derived from your hsm_secret, so you could match and see if is one of them.