Hearing the news that some people committed suicide and crimes can also prove that my statement is right. Maybe I'm wrong, but what I've seen is enough to say that gamblers are here for money, not for fun.
I also wanted to hear opinions from others.
For someone new to gambling it’s different and can vary from person to another. It’s true that a lot of people who gamble say they are just in it for fun but when you look at the significant amount of bet, it’s clear that they will feel different since it’s much higher for them to lose that money in few seconds. True that if gambling was purely about entertainment, which means losing money wouldn’t hurt so much. But the reality is that for many people it’s a serious matter with big hopes of a winning the jackpot.
The stories of people facing very bad consequences like suicide or crimes often caused by high gambling losses and bad addiction, which reinforces the idea that for them, the allure of winning is a significant reason and force. When the losses killed their dream of hitting the big jackpot, the desperation can lead to unpredictable outcomes and acts.
Many people who are aware of gambling, the real truth behind gambling; many of them they would just say that these people which struggling and overreacting, are weak people, but the reality is different, and everyone gets addicted to something particular with a different way. That’s why it’s good to understand these people, provide help and advice them early before they lose an amount of money they can’t afford and push them to act bad.