JollyGood, thank you for making the Rock CFO confirm publicly what kind of person he is, by making him defame you again.
Added 27-4-2021 to concentrate details on one thread:
The Rock Trading managed to get 1.5 million euros on a crowdfunding raise of capital using Opstart ( But Opstart confronted the Rock CFO with this case, so in order to mislead it, on 28 October 2020, after more than 2 years of attempts to keep my money "forever", the Rock CFO presented a complain against me for "defamation" (really!) to try to look honest.
This was a crazy decision, so he lied in order to hide his actions:I)
He lied about the motive, saying that they blocked my account because it was dormant between 2014 and 2017. I have the full history of constant trading between 2014 and 2 march 2018. Check scans below of Rock support tickets opened on December 2014 and 2017 and trading during December 2016 and on several months of 2017.
the Rock CTO Paci and the Rock support system contradicted him, as each one invented his own illegal pretext for the block and never mentioned any dormant status lie. Check below a scan of the August 2018 ticket.
He said that they blocked the full functionality of the account in the beginning of 2018. He tries to hide that they only blocked covertly the withdrawals and left me trading and even entrapping more money for months, ignorant of the block. They only blocked completely the account on 2020. The Rock CFO confirmed this on a post of 26 June 2019, saying that "aside withdraws, the account is operative":, the quoted 2018 support ticket answer says about granting withdrawals, which confirms also that the account was operative, except the blocked withdrawals.
Lying on a judicial proceeding (on a complain against his victim!!) is a crime under article 374 bis of Italian Criminal Code.III) He published the complain (
which in itself is also a crime, under article 684 of Italian Criminal Code and article 329 of the Italian code of criminal process, as confirmed by a high Italian court. course, he also committed more breaches of privacy, by revealing illegally and unnecessarily again private information, including first name, gender and nationality.
More lies he told: He said to the police they knew nothing about my case and that they had to go check all accounts to realize what my thread was about!! When I opened a ticket against their covert block and they received full information in August 2018, a few days before I created this thread.V) He told the police that he tried to identify the owner by all means possible.
The Rock CFO never tried to contact the emails associated with the Rock accounts.
He received an email from an email account registered with the Rock Trading, signed with the names they have on file. He completely ignored the email for months. When he finally answered to confirm the identity, his only reaction was posting here in this forum almost all the private information he confirmed.
Lying to the Italian police on his lying complaint is a serious offense in itself: article 374 bis of the Italian Penal Code: 1 to 5 years in prison. wrote: "since the mentioned account was dormant for certain years (about since 2014 to 2017), we demanded the necessary documents for the identification of the owner of the account". ("alla luce del fatto che detto account era rimasto dormiente per qualche anno (all'incirca dal 2014 al 2017), è stata richiest la documentazione necessaria all'identificazione del soggetto titolare dell'account").
Here is the evidence of trading in February of 2017.
And I already posted a scan of a deposit on June 2017 here: another scan showing trading in December of 2017 here: police will receive the full history of the account that shows constant trading also in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
He didn't even dare to deny that he was lying!
But this is just his first lie. I'll highlight all the others.
More evidence of activity and trading:
A ticket in December 2014
A ticked in June 2017, about the deposit I linked above:
And trading in December 2016/January 2017:
Qui sopra c'è la prova che il Rock Trading CFO ha mentito alla polizia sul suo motivo per bloccare il mio conto.
Ha dichiarato che il motivo per cui hanno bloccato il mio conto all'inizio del 2018 (la sua confessione) era che il mio conto era "dormiente" dal 2014 al 2017 circa. Il che è una menzogna totale. Ho continuato a fare trading tra il 2014 e il 2018 interrompendo solo due volte per circa 3 mesi e ho continuato ad effettuare il login.
Ho una cronologia completa delle transazioni e le scansioni. La polizia le riceverà.Edit-15/01/2021:
More evidence of his lie about the motive for the covert block of the withdrawals being the account being "dormant" between 2014 and 2017.Paci in August 2018, days before I created this thread, contradicted this. Paci wrote that the covert withdrawal block was because "Your profile looked suspicious to our internal automatic security checks"! The profile wasn't change since 2013! The police will receive a copy of this too.
But the Rock support contradicted him too and also invented another illegal pretext: they said it was because I made euro withdrawals, back in 2013, when their TOS explicitly allowed them.
They were saying that they blocked covertly my withdrawals in the beginning of 2018 because of small withdrawals I made on 2013!!
A covert block of the account withdrawals with three contradictory pretexts from the Rock!, all illegal and lying.
Here is a scan of this statement in their support answer to the August 2018 ticket:
Sto anche postando un'altra prova delle menzogne del direttore finanziario della Rock alla polizia, il suo falso motivo per il loro blocco segreto sui miei prelievi. Ha detto la bugia che il mio conto è rimasto dormiente tra il 2014 e il 2017.
Il CTO Paci di Rock lo ha contraddetto, ma anche il suo stesso sistema di supporto lo ha contraddetto e ha anche inventato un altro pretesto illegale: hanno detto che è stato perché ho fatto dei prelievi di euro, nel 2013, quando il loro TOS glielo ha esplicitamente permesso.
Dicevano di aver bloccato di nascosto i miei prelievi all'inizio del 2018 a causa dei piccoli prelievi che avevo fatto nel 2013!