This gets a little interesting. Adesanya is the middleweight champion and Perreira is the current LHW champion. In the past, Adesanya failed to achieve double championship when he fought with Blachowiz. One factor was Blachowiz's natural wrestling and weight taking away Adesanya's gas. I see this as Adesanya's chance to win Double Champ. It could be that Adesanya decided to return from his break because he saw someone he had beaten become champion in the division above him.
The problem is, Adesanya lost his title to Strickland. He would have to get the middleweight belt back before even thinking about fighting for the second one.
Currently it's not even clear whether he would get the rematch against Strickland if he was ready to fight, so it's even less likely that he would get a chance to fight Pereira for the LW belt. Pereira surely wouldn't mind that, as he would be a favourite given the latest performances of both and the fact that he wouldn't have to go through such drastic weight cutting.
To bad Bones will try to dictate his own rules and theory wouldnt be proved
Imho Dana cant force Bones to fight Aspinall. Neither Bones is willing to fight Aspinall
Imho he seeks for an easy fight, easy money and finish his UFC career. A fight between Stepe and Aspinall also is not what fans would like to watch. I would personally watch his fight against Blaydes, as they have unfinished business. But Blaydes cant have a title fight right now, as he has lost to Pavlovich.
Jones Vs Aspinall won't happen unless there's a big pressure from the community (fans/reporters) combined with small interest in Jones Vs. Stipe bout. Jones cares about 2 things: money and securing his legacy. If he got more by fighting Tom and if the community was clear that they see Aspinall as the real challenge, then who knows, he could change his mind.
I'd much rather see Stipe Vs Aspinall fight soon and then the winner of it fighting Jon, than just watch no action for 8-12 months until Jon recovers.