- Green: highest.
- Red: Lowest.
- In median, the highest days are Monday, Thursday, and Wednesday at 688, 675, and 669, respectively; whislt the lowest days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 596, 615, and 626, respectively.
- In means, the highest days are Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday at 929, 856, and 816, respectively; whilst the lowest days are Saturday, Friday, and Sunday, at 695, 705, and 754, respectively.
Calendar day is in GMT time.
1516831941 1 2818066.msg28853325 35 877396
Basic statistics:
Summary for variables: merit
by categories of: dofw
dofw | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max
Sunday | 100.0 753.3 453.8 626.0 520.0 801.0 394.0 3190.0
Monday | 100.0 815.7 519.8 688.0 576.5 875.0 313.0 3854.0
Tuesday | 99.0 765.6 460.4 660.0 592.0 769.0 384.0 4193.0
Wednesday | 100.0 928.3 1353.5 668.5 566.5 790.0 394.0 13018.0
Thursday | 100.0 855.4 842.6 675.0 552.0 812.0 348.0 6762.0
Friday | 100.0 704.6 497.6 596.0 509.0 707.5 349.0 4500.0
Saturday | 100.0 694.8 402.2 614.5 497.0 723.5 295.0 3490.0
Total | 699.0 788.3 722.5 644.0 540.0 780.0 295.0 13018.0
Box plots
Outliers displayed as red circles.
Outliers non-displayed.
Details on ranks:
In medians
| rankmedian dofw median mean p25 p75 min max |
1. | 1 Monday 688 815.68 576.5 875 313 3854 |
2. | 2 Thursday 675 855.44 552 812 348 6762 |
3. | 3 Wednesday 668.5 928.32 566.5 790 394 13018 |
4. | 4 Tuesday 660 765.6263 592 769 384 4193 |
5. | 5 Sunday 626 753.32 520 801 394 3190 |
6. | 6 Saturday 614.5 694.84 497 723.5 295 3490 |
7. | 7 Friday 596 704.65 509 707.5 349 4500 |
In means
| rankmean dofw mean median p25 p75 min max |
1. | 1 Wednesday 928.32 668.5 566.5 790 394 13018 |
2. | 2 Thursday 855.44 675 552 812 348 6762 |
3. | 3 Monday 815.68 688 576.5 875 313 3854 |
4. | 4 Tuesday 765.6263 660 592 769 384 4193 |
5. | 5 Sunday 753.32 626 520 801 394 3190 |
6. | 6 Friday 704.65 596 509 707.5 349 4500 |
7. | 7 Saturday 694.84 614.5 497 723.5 295 3490 |