It's been 4+ months since the referenced events, what's the rush to tag him now and not wait until you're ready to un-withhold the knowledge?
suchmoon is aware of a part of my nonpublic evidence on Kalemder, because I revealed to her a carefully measured portion of it. It is despicable for suchmoon to attack Lauda over this when, at the baseline, she damn well knows that such evidence exists and has had forthrightly explained to her the reasons for withholding it.
I revealed more to Lauda than to suchmoon, because Lauda is on my “trustworthy” list; suchmoon was on my “probably trustworthy” list which indicates slowly, cautiously building a greater trust. (On the same grounds, I revealed more evidence to suchmoon than to Foxpup, just because I have rarely interacted directly with Foxpup—trust needs to be built; that’s nothing against Foxpup there.)
suchmoon, you are pushing it to the point that the public will have a valid interest in my dumping our PM discussions into this thread as evidence of what is really going on here. That may compromise an investigation which is as yet in its early stages. The damage would be limited (even if probably irreparable), because I was sufficiently prudent to only entrust to you a limited amount of information; and I need to weigh that against permitting you to sow discord in public and rake Lauda over the coals for something which you yourself know about—which you know she can’t talk about, for the reasons that I stated to you. In effect, you are knowingly obstructing justice for the sake of your desire to Win An Internet Argument. You despicable, spoiled brat, seizing the advantage when you have sufficient information to reasonably infer that Lauda cannot defend herself here without violating my trust and harming the forum!
Now if you're done making this personal maybe you can show us what high risks exist in trading with TECSHARE.
You always liked it (often ++liked it) when I dished that out at Quickseller. But I see you do not like it so much when you yourself show twisted illogic and evasion similarly to how he did in those old threads, and I treat you accordingly after first having extended you the courtesy of an almost stupid level of patience on my part.
I am impartial. Do not expect special treatment.
At least, Quickseller eventually grew up and started retracting some of his wrong statements. I suggest that you learn from his example, reread this thread, and correct your own course. Start by squarely addressing the points that I have stated, instead of ignoring them and repetitively trying to force me to argue on your terms—as you just did yet again, right here.
That is simply my advice; and it is sound advice which you may, of course, freely ignore.
Since my life is too valuable to waste on flamewars with no objective other than “arguing on the Internet”, the worst that can happen (the worst—from your perspective) is that I decide that the DT system is broken by design, I mostly withdraw from Reputation in favour of more productive tasks, and meanwhile, I think about perhaps some long-term way to make the forum trust system obsolete. “Cypherpunks write code.”
Thus do I finish what you started.
A General Note on Lauda
I have requested that Lauda remove me from her inclusions list (with the understanding that, since I requested to be disincluded, it would not be improper for me to ask her to reconsider that, at her discretion). This is on pragmatic grounds, as a precaution against another “prison break”. She has a huge number of tags that protect the forum; if I have suddenly become a lightning-rod, I have no desire to let that be an excuse for others to advocate ~Lauda.
Those who want to see my tags up-top should include me directly.
A not irrelevant aside: To date, excluding off-forum transactions with some well-known businesses who happen to have active forum accounts (e.g., ChipMixer), Lauda is the only member of this forum with whom I have risked BTC. And that was a big chunk of my life savings—i.e., it was precious money that I could not afford to lose, regardless of the absolute amount. Lauda is trustworthy—for trade, and otherwise.
Reply to johhnyUA
That may be how it looks for those not involved, i.e., “bad optics”; but I suggest reserving judgment when you do not know the details. Moreover, Vod is only involved here because TECSHARE attacked my support of Vod’s tag (among others’), and suchmoon picked that up and ran with it. Understanding this requires reading only the first two posts of the thread.
Agreed, at least, that I could make better use of my time. Indeed, but for suchmoon jumping so eagerly on it, I probably would have flatly ignored this thread just as I ignored TOAA’s thread against me. I do not reply to troll threads unless they are exceptionally amusing to stick a fork in, which this one wasn’t. Unfortunately, suchmoon is not a troll (though she most excellently fed one here).
It is not the first time that I said so in this thread:
...then I cannot but say, “I am sorry you feel that way”, and express my sincere regret that I wasted hours of my time attempting in good faith to talk this out with you, in public and in private (upon your contact to me and not vice versa). TECSHARE could not have gotten that from me. I would probably have flatly ignored this thread but for you, but for the considerable respect that I had for you, and but for my belief that you would do your “deescalation” for your own part of a dispute that you yourself not only ~escalated, but substantially ~created in the very second post on this thread. —Or that at least, you would “agree to disagree”, as I have been willing to do all along. You well know that I disagree with your personal standard for tags, and that I discuss it civilly or just “agree to disagree” if you are not waving ~ in my face.
Thoughtful commentary—I mostly agree. I will only reply on the points where I have something to add or debate.
I think that’s an unfair mischaracterization.
I am probably one of the most “politically incorrect” people on this forum. If somebody acts like a dumb pajeet, I will call him one; and it is not for the sake of political correctness or “liberal” virtue-signalling that I say:
The banks and their global financial system are destroying this world with their death-grip on money. Monetarily, at least, everybody who is not them is in this together—blond, blue-eyed Iceland just as much as Indonesia. Cyprus and Turkey are (cough) not quite friends; but Turks should care about Bitcoin for exactly the same reason that Cypriots should care about Bitcoin. I will even go out on a limb and posit that Bitcoin is as good for Palestinians as it is for Meni Rosenfeld, and vice versa.
There is only one Bitcoin. It’s for everybody. And it is even beneficial to your interests if Bitcoin also used by people you don’t care about—or by people whom you dislike—or even by people whom you hate. Indeed, it is beneficial to you if your enemy is invested in Bitcoin: That means he cannot attack your financial freedom without also attacking his own money. E.g., I have noticed that the white-pajeet wannabe-Nazi schtick Daily Stormer uses Bitcoin. Well, they can hate Jews as much as they want; but they may have a slight problem insofar as they are relying on the individual Jews who so happen to contribute to Core development directly or indirectly. How much do they value the one thing that protects them from being financially censored out of existence? I suppose enough so that they aren’t adequately warning their followers about the terrible Jewish element in the Bitcoin world. What, cut off the flow of donations? Oy!
Bitcoin may not make some impossible Utopian “world peace”; but at least, it will make everybody agree on something: Bitcoin!
It is also bad for Turks who actually care about Bitcoin, rather than only about ranking up and chasing a “lucrative bounty”. Of course, that is not my only concern about the Turkish local; but my concern about that is sincere, and not some on-the-spot posturing to exude a political correctness that I don’t have and don’t want. Quoting one of my own PMs to suchmoon:
Too bad, Manish. That dumb pajeet TECSHARE lacks your English-language literacy.
Whereas I prefer the term Chandala, as Nietzsche used. Is he that low? Nah. You think so?
Thanks; but after having tried logic repeatedly here, I think johhnyUA is right—or at least not wrong, insofar as this “drama” is indeed draining my time from more useful activity both on and off the forum.
And the Lucky Cat has the right idea...
That would be it. I'd appreciate that nobody wastes my time by either replying to me, or PM-ing me links to inside this thread. I'll be doing my best to ignore it as it's fruitless.
Almost-same here. Unless I have a very good reason to reply further on this topic, I will now start ignoring it as I would have to begin with.