Juventus should always play like the 10 minutes of the game but they did not cause they are not following Sarri.
Is it players fault? or is it coach fault?
Also, I think is missing at least 1 penalty for Juventus, the one on Dybala was more clear than the on CR7.
But that is not the point, always hated Sarri...
I do not think the criticism on Sarri is about hate though, i feel its about his incompetency.
Modern Coaches are supposed to coach their players based on the tactics they are able to perform with, But with Sarri, he has stucked to a failed experiment Sarri ball with Juventus.
Sarri ball that fluffed lines at chelsea, and won zero league trophies at Napoli.
Juventus under Allegri will be 15 points top of Serie A, any time, any year, but Sarri and Sarri ball struggles alot.
Down to incompetence it seems.