If you graph the difficulty - its still heading towards the stars
but on the bright side the increase is linear - not in an exponential phase
in other words the rate of increase is constant - not accelerating
It was exponential until about block 1600280
Good news!
Difficulty has turned the corner and is decreasing............
Just how fast it will come down is the question? - and will it over-correct at the bottom?
Last 50 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty
1600294 548 left meebo 11/12/2015 00:50:45 0.3768
1600292 546 left anonymous 11/11/2015 17:17:32 0.4081
1600290 544 left meebo 11/10/2015 23:51:53 0.3663
1600288 542 left yacoinben 11/10/2015 20:19:21 0.3223
1600286 540 left yacoinben 11/10/2015 18:37:10 0.2836
1600284 538 left yacoinben 11/10/2015 17:21:43 0.2496
We'll have to see how it behaves after dropping to normal levels, but it's wonderfully happy that diff is already decreasing!