Indeed it is the NF15 affecting the hashrate. I am currently getting just over a 1/3 of the hashrate that I was before with my 750ti rig. After about an hour of fiddling with settings I'm at 1.1-1.25 khash/sec per 750ti, still using a lookup gap of 4. I didn't seem to gain anything when I tried an autotune with a lookup gap of 8. I still recommend trying autotune with nvidia.
cudaminer -a scrypt-jane:15 -l auto -L 4 -D -o stratum+tcp:// -O user:pass
Here is an example setting that I am currently using with my 6x 750ti rig:
cudaminer --algo=scrypt-jane:15 -L 4 -D -l t19x5,t75x1,t76x1,t38x2,t5x16,t40x2 -b 1024 -o stratum+tcp:// -O user:pass
Setting the algorithm to scrypt-jane:UTC will not work with autotune does not appear to use the modifier in autotune, use scrypt-jane:15 instead. As long as you have enough power going to your cards and haven't overclocked them to where stability is an issue, it should be able to run through completion.
ATI folks, check out to get a baseline setting for your hardware to work off of.
Try not to get discouraged that your hardware seems less efficient than it was before. Everyone else is going through the same thing and the blocks will continue to be minted at the same rate and those mining will generally get the same share of the total as before. Those with graphics cards that have more memory will experience slightly more of an edge.
Anyone who is too lazy to look, here are settings for 750ti