ok.. the thumpnail of the video seems to make YOU and others think that the steel girders must have come from low down the building.. (the subliminal primer)
the narrater then explains that the force needed to push it 2 football feilds from such a low level must have been huge..
but.. physics and common sense and science.. which is something he hints at. is that girders from the 90th floor dont need that much force.
the real funny thing i find with conspiracy theorists is
when there is no big word changing event. they like to cause a conspiracy that the world should be in panic and utopia is impossible..
when there actually is a world changing event. they like to invent a conspiracy that the world is actually utopia and the event is fake.
seems like there is no pleasing these people. no matter if something is happening or not.
i bet they still think that all the fire fighters of 9-11 are still alive but living on an island with elvis too
one last thing about explosives used in demolition
architects know and design buildings to fall in on themselves .. thats how they are built. they are not designed to fall sideways like trees being lumbered. regulations see to that because in huge dense area's they dont want earthquakes or planes causing buildings to tople sideways like a path of dominos.
so safety regulations ensure building design have it that if the columns defect. it crumbles DOWN.
the next part is if a column is not defected due to earthquake, being struck by large object. and they plan to take it down then they only use enough explosives to defect the columns. they would not load it with enough explosives to send shrapnil 2 football fields away. again safety regs are involved... and common sense
lastly if there were explosives involved and enough to actually cause the force of a 2 footbal field velocity at the stupid low floor level the video trues to subliminal suggest. the "bang bang bang bang" would be HUGE
much more apparent and more visable than normal controlled demolition
there was not standard demolition explosive bang bang bang sounds nor extreme bang bang bang bang sounds
so that rules out both posibilities of explosives.
all that is left is the stupid subliminal propaganda that the girder came from a low level floor..
again common sense suggests other wise. but it is obvious that people dont want to admit the obvious and instead want to set up/suggest that it wasnt from near the 90th floor but more likely from the first floor.. just to push their conspiracy