They aren't built to fall at nearly the speed of free fall, except when there are explosives ignited in proper order throughout. It's called demolition. Do some research.
anyone can make a computer model and then say 'we think its explosives'
but architects, not conspiracy geeks who make up their own narrative. . actual architects who actually know how buildings are made know how skyscrapers and tall buildings fall
here is an example for you.
you can make a 3d virtual girlfriend. but it will never make you an expert on women.
so try to learn about the building. learn about women. and dont think you have learned all that needs to be learned from a computer model
i know that if the code for the computer model was 'la la la' youd instantly think its detailed factual science just because you been told 'the code is detailed, even when other people tell you that there should be something behind the 'lalala' but you will continually avoid to research what should be behind things
(you have been proven this is the case)
also knowing you, you will ofcourse find lame excuses to avoid learning common sense life skills.
with your lame narrative of 'ill do the opposite of whats been told'
thats just your style. and its getting boring. your not helping yourself or anyone else with your lack of ability to research
screw it. i wont wait around for you to do some research and realise the flaw in your opinion.. ill just ask u to watch this 23second video a few times pause it between 0sec and 3 seconds.
the smoke to the left. that left/back side is where the twin towers were and where damage would have hit WTC7
i then want you to. without pushing play yet.. ask yourself to watch the 3d model that only shows 'near perfect collapse'
right.. thats what the model shows. which can onlyhappen if it was a perfect collapse..with no previous structural damage
but just fire.. right? thats your opinion
but now watch from 4sec to 10seconds,..
oh wait. is that.. hmm. yes it is. structural collapse of the side where the twin towers was.. meaning WTC7 must have got hit by something.
hmm but i know you badecker, still thinking the building was 100% structurally sound and just fell all in one go perfectly..
i wonder.. was the side on the left that was billowing out smoke just smoke or could there have been structural damage...
oh wait there was actually a gaping hole on that side even before the video.. and then it finally gave out and then seconds later the rest of the building fell to...
using physics and very well known building regulation standards of construction
so it wasnt ever about 'just fire damage' as you seem to think
so dont just skip to 11seconds and scream what happened after 11seconds is all that happened. actually understand what happened before the 11th second.
the 3d model you salivate over only represents something after the 11th second detail as if the first 10 seconds didnt happen.
yep the 3d model excludes the first 10 seconds part. thus tainting the results by ignoring the first 10 seconds and the fact that there was a gaping hole in the side of the building before even 0 seconds taint results further
if you think it was just an office fire. and no physical structural damage before the 11 second. then you really are stuck believing in la la land