With XC you have to trust the mixer isn't logging the data and that the mixer won't steal your coins. Giving control of your coins to another entity is just asking for trouble.
So..with DRK the nodes merely witness the change of ownership and verify it?
But with a mixer the coins pass into the mixer (rather than merely being witnessed) and then have to be "allowed" out the other end?
Can you expand?
1.Where exactly is the "mixer"?
2.If the source is open, then would that mean coins could not be stolen?
3.The developer of XC stated "mixers don't steal coins".....but you seem to think they can? So how would a mixer steal coins?
It's simple.
You send coins to a address issued by mixer and mixer has private key of the address issued.
Shutdown computer, lock wallet, diconnect network, power failure.
Mixer program should/will mix/forward the coins.
Owner of the mixer is problem..
Do you know that mixer takes input/coins and waits at least 2 ~ 3 more blocks confirmation before forwards the coins.
True, People steal coins.
Check my analysis.
There are always 2 ~ 3 blocks difference.
Why ? to prevent double spending. Can't be instantly.
Mixer risks - balance situation.
If a block is orphaned, sender spend the coins again.
send to mixer --> tx confirmed ( included in a block) + 1 : block no/heght ex) 100
another block generated = confirmed + 2 : 101
send out coins --> tx confirmed ( included in a block ) + 3 : 102
If a block is generated too fast, +1 more.
Sometime It took 1 sec.
tx/transaction should be announced to network, it takes times.
If tx is not included in a block, it will be in next block.
Fix ? FIX POS..