Therein lies your problem. The 9.5.0 version is no longer working, you must use the new version on the official website.
If this is the case then why isn't everybody having problems and not to mention a major backwords compatibility issue? Why isn't there a widespread (especially on the 1st page saying upgrade now!). Did someone send out an email to EVERYONE saying go here and download something that works now or else you lose your money? Yes I went to the website and downloaded the Windows and it only worked on 64bit, specifically said not for 32bit. Did I miss something? Missing something means I should not have to scour the forums to make my wallet work. Sorry I'm getting a little testy.
Point is... if above is the case then this is a coin not ready for prime time consumption. Nobody should have to upgrade their wallet to have access to their coins. The point of a coin is that it works without research.
I've calmed down now and will go to a computer with 64bit and download the "beta" wallet.
I'm now going to make a point that should be sent across all altcoin forums and never seen before!!!...
Just like all major software developers in the real world, if a mandatory upgrade is necessary, it should be the responsibility of and enforced at the client level (the wallet). "Update now or lose your money". The end user software should notify the user of major changes, not bitcointalk or the website. REALLY getting tired of that as and end user.