I get what Patman's saying. He'll have to do better than that to offend me, but I don't even think he was trying. He just needs to get his equipment running, and is voicing what many of you are feeling.. I get it.
I'm passing comments on to BW, so if he's not reading them here he's getting them by email. I know there's concern that official wallets have not been released yet. I'm not thrilled about it either, and I don't have all the answers. Thanks to 8bitcoder for the stopgap Windows wallet. That helped the network a lot, but we're not done.
I'm looking for someone to compile the Mac wallets. If you know someone trustworthy, please pm me and I'll reach out. I'd offer a modest bounty to the right person.
Yes, the time of all this could have been done better. I'm doing what I can with what I have, and like you all I'm trying to help when I think I have the answers.
I believe Uno is headed in the right direction, and am working to help clear these rocks off the road. I'm here long term, no matter what, and responding to all PM's.
I regret I do not posess any skills when it comes to building windows/mac wallets. Could probably do the gitian thing but it feels sloppy to me. I never even use precompiled linux binaries, I prefer to build my own.
What about the guys building the Android wallet? Do they build Apple apps too?