For all Coinpot users: Again, multiplier seems to be a scam so don't play it.
Tested again last 5 days with this config:
- 5 distributed computers with 100k autoroll each one and different IP
- Different multiplier combinations: always higher, always lower, always alternate, alternate when win, alternate when lose
- RESULT: More than 300 tokens lost IN EACH WINDOW! AND EVERY DAY!!
So be very carefull when playing multiplier... you should NEVER DEPOSIT crypto on websites like this.
You say you lost 300 coins after 100k autorolls, but in the same time you win 2100 challenge coins (and they pay this most of the time). So as I calculate this, it is a win of 1800 coins (ca 18 Cents). So I win money but you say I should not play this game. Can you exactely tell my why?
Its right the game is not that fair I can see that every day too, but as long as I am winning over all (and I never lost anything so far playing every day) who cares.
Keep in mind that this multiplayer game challenge coins are a gift. You have to do nothing for it. Not even solve a capcha or viewing ads.
And if everyone blocks all ads on this side, no one will earn any money here at all soon. Why not look at a few banners and if you dont like popups, than use a good popup blocker addon - it works.
Its right - never deposit coins at coinpot. There are too many bugs with this site, but there is no need to invest here anyhow.
I said I lost 300 tokens after 100k autorolls...
IN 5 WINDOWS, and of course the 100k token rolls were not reached in every window: only 50k rolls in best window and yes, more than 100k autorolling in 5 windows (so the statistic is
EVEN WORSE). So total token lost: 300 * 5 = 1500 tokens. And the 100 token award for every challenge star accomplished WAS
TOTAL BALANCE: -1500 tokens lost . And of course: energy consumption (take your excel and make numbers... the profits -when happens- is ridiculous).
Are you feeling right knowing you are gambling a game which is NOT REALLY FAIR? There is a CPU consumption higher than normal too when autorolling (you can check it), so you are making something (not nothing: you are spending energy so make balance and check if it is OK for you).
This game could be a "gift" for many users... but this is oriented to cheat the user, engage it and make him/her to deposit crypto to still playing (and losing).
I reveal the trick to block automatically all ads (ad-block does not work) because I will fight agains this SCAMS while I can.
So remember everybody:
DO NOT DEPOSIT CRYPTO @COINPOT.CO and think about if it is beneficial to spend CPU time (energy) when profit (challenge stars) are not awarded and token lost is