Western Journalism.com by Jack Davis 7:00 pm
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday that because Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is “controlled by the people that give him money,” he will support the controversial Obamatrade legislation after the election and implement Obama’s trade agenda if elected president.
“Now, he’s going to vote for it again,” said Trump, targeting Cruz, who has received the support of a wide range of GOP establishment supporters seeking to block Trump’s path to the GOP presidential nomination. “He’s going to vote for it again. He’s just waiting for after the election. He will vote for it –because the people who give him campaign contributions want it. He will vote for it right after the election.”
Cruz aligned himself with House Speaker Paul Ryan in 2015 in supporting the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which is a change in the procedures Congress uses to ratify trade deals.
TPA lowers the vote threshold for passage of a trade deal out of the Senate to a simple majority. It also eliminates the ability for Congress to amend any such trade deals. Approving TPA would allow other parts of the Obamatrade agenda to move through Congress.
“Ted Cruz is so far behind me in trade that he put a phony ad talking about how he’s going to get tough on trade,” Trump said Friday in an interview with Breitbart News. “Number one, he’s in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership — which is going to be worse than NAFTA. And it’s going to absolutely destroy businesses in our country and businesses in Wisconsin.”
“Ted Cruz is totally controlled by the people that give him money,” Trump said. “If you look at who those people are, those are the beneficiaries — not the people of Wisconsin or the people of the United States.”
The Wisconsin primary is Tuesday.
h/t: Breitbart
TTP will be run by business owners of just a few, those that already own some of the biggest companies in the world.
They also have subsidiary business that are just like a pyramid, no chance for new entrepreneurs they usually get bought out/taken over.
Seems like Ted Cruz is on the take, a money grabber who don't care who he hurts.
If this goes ahead, in twenty or so years big business will own everything, they will be able to manipulate market prices at will, a bit like how Wall street and the banks are now.