You're in good company. So is Trump.
I think if that were true in a technical sense, I would have heard about it. It is clear that Trump is quite 'liberal' in a lot of technical ways as am I and as are a lot of his friends. The modern left have not let go the term 'liberal' and have dragged it behind their politics which are increasingly regressive in practice.
He didn't register Republican until a year after voting for Obama.
Trump NEVER voted for Obama.
Just wait until Trump loses even WORSE than Romney, whom he criticizes ad nauseum for losing to Obama.....
O'Reilly: Did you vote for any Democrats in the last 30 years for president?
Trump: It's probable. I mean, I would always vote for the best person.
O'Reilly: Did you vote for Bill Clinton?
Trump: No, I didn't.
O'Reilly: Did you vote for Bush the Younger twice?
Trump: Did I vote for [George W.] Bush twice? Yes. I mean, I don't think he did a particularly good job. I think he got us into Iraq, which was a disaster. But I voted for Bush, yes.
O'Reilly: And then you voted for McCain against Obama the first time?
Trump: I was on his committee. I raised a lot of money for McCain. … In all fairness to McCain, I don't think Abraham Lincoln could have won that election. I voted for McCain.