i've also notice that my hboards are getting really hot even when i'm not mining.
miner: no process found
what does that mean. is something wrong with my sd?
i think you did the chainminer update wrong. without going back to dissect each change you made, heres the best way to start from scratch:
1) download the newest SD image for your version of m-board
2) connect a screen and keyboard and start up the system. login as pi/raspberry
3) on first boot it should ask you if you want to change the ip. check your router (usually 192.168.X.1) and set the bitfury to 192.168.X.249 (x being a number, likely 1 or 0)
4) set up pool info via ssh or webUI
5) you should be mining already. to update the chainminer to improve the error rates:
ChainMiner for M Board Version 2.X boards
DO not use this guide for Version 1x m-boards.
It will fry your chips. This is only meant for Version 2 of the M-board.I apologize for grammar as I took 2 sleeping pills and I can barely feel my fingers.
1.login as pi or root
2. type "nano /run/shm/.stat.log" if you wish to see the performance of all the chips on your board before upgrading chain miner.
(optional step)
3.(backup your chainminer version) (this creates a copy of the folder)
a. sudo cp -a /opt/bitfury /usr/bitfury.backup
b. cd /opt/bitfury/
c. pwd (make sure you are in /opt/bitfury)
d. ls -al (or type dir)
e. rm -rf chainminer (this removes everything in the chainminer folder and the chainminer folder itself)
4. make sure you are in the /opt/bitfury directory and not in /opt/bitfury/chainminer (it should be deleted anyway
5. type "git clone
6. it should now start getting the chainminer git.
7. now type "cd chainminer" you should now be in the chainminer directory
8. type "make"
9. Its going to take 5-10 minutes to create the chainminer...maybe longer.
I got some warning but everything was fine after it all finished.
it will go back to a bash prompt when done.
9a. Just wait...this is the longest part of doing this change..
10. sudo reboot