Hello everyone,
I am not a legendary member of the forum and also I am not really active here. Nevertheless, I read along regularly. Today there was an incident on the German-speaking board that I would like to clarify.
There is a small group of users around the user
Unknown01 who have been spreading Russian propaganda and trivializing the war in Ukraine for some time now. Lies are openly posted and war crimes are denied. I didn't want to watch this disgrace any longer and joined the discussion today. I confronted the user and asked him how he justifies some Russian war crimes of the last days and posted a few links.
Of course, the user did not reply to my post, but insulted me as a fake account and threatened me that theymos will ban me soon if I continue to express my opinion (that there are war crimes of course). He also said that he already has a list for of "suspicious" accounts that refute his Russian propaganda and that he wants banned by theymos. In short: I'm told to either shut up or get banned by the admins.
How can it be that a user with a higher rank can oppress a user in such a way? Can I really be banned for contradicting the lies he posts?
The User Unknown01 is supported by his friends
s0nix and
MinoRaiola who sent positive feedback to each other without any reason other than to make their account look better.
Quote for reference:Please use Google translate.
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Du halbstarker Internettroll, beruhige dich und lerne Benehmen und Anstand bevor du andere beleidigst. Im echten Leben verstecken und im Internet beleidigen - mehr habe ich nicht zu sagen zu deinen Lügen & Beleidigungen.
Irgendwie vermehren sich diese Newbie Accounts die aggressiv und beleidigend sind wie Parasiten im deutschen Bereich, sollte man eventuell mal tatsächlich theymos melden. Ich habe bereits eine Liste von allen verdächtigen Accounts - mache ich demnächst mal wirklich.edit:
DT farming, baseless positive feedback, trust abuse, Russian propaganda, trolling