Do you actually need to be explaining to every user why there posts were deleted? I think you should be a touch of Jolly Jollygood here. Remove it and they will discover through their pm.
I think on the off chance that users are actually reading replies it's not a bad idea for him to quote and give a reason why he is deleting so that people who didn't read the rules get informed. There was so much abuse in the last thread from people who didn't read.
Later on he might decide to stop replying, but for now it's not a bad idea to continue IMO.
Look at the last thread compared to this 1. The last thread was super busy with newbies trying to get merit or people posting they need 100+ merits to rank up. We had some sig campaign people posting regularly as well for that free post count. This thread isn't even half as active, people are actually reading the rules and listening so far. Much better.
Look what's happening now, after some new rules added and Op is in control of this thread by moderating it himself, This thread is cleaner and tidier than attacks by spammers looking for free merit. In the last thread, almost every day we see people looking for merit without reading the rules first, including Newbies and Jr Members, many users above Full Members have also been found applying from long distances to rise in rank.
People have started to get organized with the rules in Op, Self Moderated has closed the space for free merit seekers who are lazy to read the rules.
You are absolutely right, it amusing to me though, for one week now, that is from 26th of March to 1st of April (yesterday), only two applications have been received on this thread, unlike the previous thread (v1) where there were like 10 or more applications every week, I go through applications and get confused on who to merit and who not to, as there is never enough merits to go round, at a point, I felt like abandoning the thread as I felt totally uncapable, but I still thank as many that assisted in the previous thread, and also thank as many that brought up this idea of closing the previous one and starting this version which is self moderated, the stress here is far lesser -
I've had some merits on reserve for some weeks for applicant here, but because there are only but few users applying, before I visit the thread, other users have beat me to meriting the users that applied