
Topic: vdragon Erupter-Groupbuy-Scam : Task Force (Read 45990 times)

Activity: 27
Merit: 0
November 05, 2014, 02:52:12 PM
Any updates on this case?
hero member
Activity: 812
Merit: 1000
I <3 VW Beetles
This guy is on skype, name is robert nagy
search [email protected]

Hmm, that's very interesting, and it does match the email on his bitcointalk account...
We need new leads:
His email got mentioned in that huge list.

I'll try to see if he is still active on that skype acount.
C'mon people! He can't get away!

Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
This guy is on skype, name is robert nagy
search [email protected]

Hmm, that's very interesting, and it does match the email on his bitcointalk account...
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
This guy is on skype, name is robert nagy
search [email protected]
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 1000
November 11, 2013, 12:07:03 PM
Does anyone have an update on this? Anyone have the UK crime number for the report to the UK police?
I guess this is pretty dead, unfortuantly.
yep. never heard anything again from the police department
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1001
All cryptos are FIAT digital currency. Do not use.
DAaaammn. Sad

I wish I would have made a stink about this guy not wanting to use escrow.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Someone who I watch on YouTube got hit by this douche, hope he gets what is coming to him.
hey did you hear some haters got my channel taken down.... check out my new channel howtodanny and i got the rights to my old channels name DannysCam but not alot of videos any more...
hero member
Activity: 812
Merit: 1000
I <3 VW Beetles
Someone who I watch on YouTube got hit by this douche, hope he gets what is coming to him.
It's that Danny guy eh?
He has weird stuff but he is pretty fun to watch Smiley

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Someone who I watch on YouTube got hit by this douche, hope he gets what is coming to him.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
Yep, looks like he got away. He was actually quite new, only joined in January 2013 with no rep at all - why did people trust him with so much?  Undecided
hero member
Activity: 812
Merit: 1000
I <3 VW Beetles
Does anyone have an update on this? Anyone have the UK crime number for the report to the UK police?
I guess this is pretty dead, unfortuantly.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
September 26, 2013, 04:50:47 PM
Does anyone have an update on this? Anyone have the UK crime number for the report to the UK police?
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
Hey what's going on here, I am pretty sure I saw a post yesterday
from "Blazr" that is gone now. Someone deleting posts?

Yep, sorry guys I had to delete the post, I'll explain as soon as I can, but for now anybody wondering what it was about:

I suspect Blazr of helping BTCTalkAccounts again. I've provided some information to Blazr that ended up being disclosed to BTCTalkAccounts.

Also Blazr has been doxxing people, I recall his thread asking if someone would do a free domaintools history search.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Casper - A failed entrepenuer who looks like Zhou
Thanks for your caring to the Bitcoin Community for finding suspect of vdragon. I know this step is inevitable as I am on the suspect list.

If this is a big case, i suggest you to ask mods if there are any trace left behind by him. It might be a more direct path
Activity: 1960
Merit: 1010
Casper, it's not a random event.
Your name popped up while looking for the vccdragon hotmail address plus the inquiry to purchase vdragon's account.
As we both agree this does not prove that you actually did control vdragon.
So, knowing all this and no other lead I will drop the case.

If you really have nothing to do with it, my apologies for connecting you to this. It was worth a verification.

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Casper - A failed entrepenuer who looks like Zhou
I was understanding everything in this until the last 3 posts by Blazr, BTCat and now the incomprehensible 001sonkit .

Or is it just me... what's going on?

To conclude I am here to defense from the random accusation from BTCat. Showing that I am not owner nor do what vdragon have done

Hi Casper.

Sorry about my negative post but it seems you bought a bitcointalk account that was involved in a scam.
Perhaps it's better to learn what happened, so that you are not immediately accused of it.

Please tell me what you have done with the account vdragon

If you can help to find the person that stole about 300 btc with vdragon account, there are a few people willing to give a reward (btc).

Please send me all you know then I will concidder to delete negative trust as well.

Despite he is not a trusted member in the community but at least i would like to keep my account as clean as possible. Plus I wouldnt have shown my identity everywhere (email, vanity address, username) in all my above proof. You are able to search for my living place with the above information actually.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Casper - A failed entrepenuer who looks like Zhou

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Re: My BitcoinTalk account being banned suddenly

From:  theymos
Date: 2013/3/16
To: Cheng Casper <[email protected]>

You are 001sonkit. You were sending spam PMs.
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013, at 10:27 AM, Cheng Casper wrote:
hi theymos, I know you are an Admin of bTalk, my account chromaticcr was being banned. any reason or causes?

From:  theymos
Date: 2013/3/16
To: Cheng Casper <[email protected]>

Not when you're banned.
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Cheng Casper wrote:
So no alts allowed?

From:  theymos
Date: 2013/3/17
To: Cheng Casper <[email protected]>

I'll unban you if you send 0.5 BTC to 1DTr8851AbSxNPnWN7dHFXb9YbGXPiXx8Q. I'm not going to unban you again if you keep spamming people, though.
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Cheng Casper wrote:
Okay... So any way like giving a donation pledge to the forum can un-ban and showing apoplogy to community and take promise on not violating the regulations again on forum?

From: Casper Cheng Tsz Chun <[email protected]>
Date: 2013/3/17
To:  theymos

Please check balance. please only unban my original account 001sonkit. i promis i will not spam here again.

From: theymos
Date: 2013/3/17
To: Casper Cheng Tsz Chun <[email protected]>


hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Casper - A failed entrepenuer who looks like Zhou
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Pyccкий (Russian)


Дaннoe cooбщeниe лишь peкoмeндaция и нe являeтcя пpaвилaми фopyмoв.
Oзнaкoмитьcя c дeйcтвyющими пpaвилaми мoжнo в paздeлe Local>Russian.
Moгyт быть глoбaльныe пpaвилa для вceгo pyccкoязычнoгo фopyмa, a тaк
жe пpaвилa для oтдeльныx eгo paздeлoв. Зa coблюдeниeм пpaвил cлeдят
мoдepaтopы и кoмoдepaтopы. B cлyчae жe нecoблюдeния пpaвил к Baм
мoгyт быть пpимeнeны мepы нaкaзaния вплoть дo зaкpытия дocтyпa!

Зa пpeдeлaми pyccкoязычнoгo фopyмa дeйcтвyют дpyгиe пpaвилa,
кoтopыe мoгyт oтличaтьcя oт пpaвил pyccкoязычнoгo фopyмa. Baм
cлeдyeт oзнaкoмитьcя c ними дo oтпpaвки тyдa любыx cooбщeний.


Пocлe peгиcтpaции Bы нe cмoжeтe oтпpaвлять cooбщeния в любыe paздeлы
кpoмe paздeлa "Hoвички". Для cнятия этoгo oгpaничeния cлeдyeт пpoвecти
нeкoтopoe вpeмя нa фopyмax и oтпpaвить нecкoлькo пoлeзныx cooбщeний.

Ecли Bы зapeгиcтpиpoвaлиcь, чтoбы зaдaть вoпpoc, пoжaлyйcтa, зaдaйтe
eгo в paздeлe "Hoвички". Haибoлee вepoятнo, чтo тaм Bы пoлyчитe oтвeт.

Ecли Bы xoтитe cтaть чacтью cooбщecтвa, тo извлeкитe из oгpaничeния
пoльзy, пpoчтитe yжe cyщecтвyющиe cooбщeния. Пoльзyйтecь пoиcкoм.


Кaждый oтвeт дoлжeн coдepжaть нeкий кoммeнтapий, cвязaнный c тeмoй.
He дeлaйтe oтвeт тoлькo paди тoгo, чтoбы пpocтo oтвeтить. Boзмoжнo, Bы
мoжeтe чтo-тo cooбщить пoлeзнoe пo тeмe, зaдaть вoпpoc, ocпopить oтвeт.

Ecли Bы xoтитe oтвeтить нa кaкoe-тo кoнкpeтнoe cooбщeниe, пpи этoм
oтoйдя oт тeмы, вoзмoжнo, cлeдyeт coздaть oтдeльнyю тeмy c oтвeтoм.


Bce yчacтники имeют вoзмoжнocть пepeмeщaть cвoи coбcтвeнныe тeмы.
Bнизy cтpaницы c тeмoй ecть cпeциaльнaя ccылкa "move topic", тaк чтo
нe пpocитe мoдepaтopa пepeмeщaть тeмы зa Bac. Oн и тaк oчeнь зaнят.


He oтпpaвляйтe cooбщeния c нeзaкoнным кoнтeнтoм. He oтпpaвляйтe
ccылки нa пoдoбныe caйты. He coздaвaйтe ceбe лишниx пpoблeм. ;-)

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Read before you accuse
Activity: 1960
Merit: 1010
I've posted this info on page 7:;wap

If you search [email protected] you will find he might have sold his account and someone else is using it.
You will find [email protected], which could be a stolen/hacked account as well. It's in Hongkong.


And now posing as the same Casper (001sonkit he is posting here:

Scammer at work it seems ...

He actually admitted to have purchased bitcointalk accounts, reason given to extract xrp from the free offerings.

Knowing once email address doesnt mean that I am one of the account owner of it. To be frank, I own plenty of public email address of BitcoinTalk

You can find me acquire history at


echo"Please enter user id";exit();
echo"Sorry, your account is not elligible to participate in our offer";exit();
$html = file_get_html(';u='.$_GET['u']);
foreach($html->find('table table table tr td') as $e){
    if($i==1){$string=$e->innertext;};   $i++;

   if(strpos(file_get_contents(';topic=145506.0'),$string) !== false){
   echo"Sorry, your account is not elligible to participate in our offer";exit();

echo 'congratulations! you are elligible to participate in our offer, you have 2 options to choose from:

Option A: You will lend the account to us for at most 48 hours. Your account will be returned afterwards, and you get the coins when you grant us access to the account.

Option B: Help us to create a post at specific location, you will be rewarded after 48 hours (You need to be out of newbies in order to do so, we will handle if you chosse option A);

Both options are offering 0.1BTC as reward. Please send email to [email protected] , tell us your option, Bitcoin Addreess, and account ID. My AFK time is quite long sometimes, if you pop your full account information i may not be able to send the coins to you immediately, please leave every questions down in 1 mail. Futher instruction on where to send will be replied after tellingus your option. ';


for ($t = 1; $t <= 100; $t++) {
$html = file_get_html(';u='.($u-$t));
foreach($html->find('table table table tr td') as $e){

   if (strpos($e->innertext, '@') !== false) {
   if(strpos($string, '@') !== false){
   echo $string.'



The above is the qualification tool and the email searching too i have created.

By the way, BTCat please consider removing your neg rep at me coz up till now you have no prove that I own, I have incentive to scam with this account.

The above content is a summary of what i have PMmed BTCat. Instead of having a proxy to send all the message to you guys thus having some more neg rep dropping into my account, I think this is the best way to clear all the FUDs on my side.

Casper, you are right that there is no prove you do control or have purchased the vdragon account. Only that you did offer him to buy it is a fact. Quite a coincidence.

Removing negative trust but comment stays until resolved. The fact you actually do purchase or borrow other people's account is not a usual thing to do and probably against forumrules.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
I was understanding everything in this until the last 3 posts by Blazr, BTCat and now the incomprehensible 001sonkit .

Or is it just me... what's going on?
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