best token I ever bought is the 300 (no whitepaper, roadmap, no functionality, no bullshit scam promises, just collectible)
unwavering support even with all cryptos retreating at this time
I am steadily increasing my position until I own 1% of total supply that's 3 tokens as there are and can ever be 300 tokens issued of which Dev team is still hodling 90 of them thus 210 remain in the open market making it impossible to manipulate like shittle sorry ripple and bitcoin
quick math
7.5 billion people in the world 210 tokens available
can you say super collectable?
As a fellow salty Norwegian, I need to ask you if you are joking or if you are sarcastic or something.... As of right now, I choose to believe it is way too cold and you are keeping warm in the sauna with some vodka and are a little drunk.
If you are sober please look for another source of investment advice that your baby brother....
this was not financial advice just an observation of value response to the crypto correction we are witnessing
I have been involved in the money markets for decades, and noticed this token primarily for its resilience to general market forces up or down
there is absolutely nothing valuable about it, it has no future prospects or planning, yet it seems the people involved are very passionate about holding it no matter what and it shows on the price fluctuations
do you think the promisory notes you and i are holding have any intrinsic value? or in laymans terms, do you believe the money you and i have has anything backing it besides a promise from the central bank that created it from thin air (and is lending it with interest)?
at least the 300 Dev is honest about it
price 0.085BTC
price update 6FEB2018 300 @ 0.16BTC
thats ~x2 in 4 days with all major cryptos receeding